I don’t like cauliflower.. I never have. It tasted like .. Well I’m not going to say.. But the texture bothered me. I have celiac, so I get a constant “have you tried cauliflower crust?”  “Have you tried mashed cauliflower?” No. I have not.. Because it’s gross and I don’t like it.

make mine a double batch…

Ok.. I can be closed minded… But I saw this recipe on “Delish” (which I love by the way) for Honey Garlic Cauliflower and I decided to de-gluten it and give it a try!!

So easy!! (Well I made it a little easier with the use of a zip lock bag… Have one on hand!)

Ok! Ready? 

Honey Garlic Gluten Free I Can’t Beieve It’s Cauliflower Cauliflower

You need:


3/4 c gluten free flour

Salt and pepper

2 eggs

Gluten free bread crumbs

A ziploc bag

Gluten free soy sauce

Lime juice



Corn starch 

Start with a head of cauliflower and break it into florets that are bite size. Put in zip lock bag

Add flour, pinch of salt and pepper

i know you want to.. shake it Baby!

Now put on some music and shake it like A Swifty.

Initially I “set up a dredging station and dipped each floret into egg wash and then bread crumbs”. Well that is some messy, time consuming nonsense. Dump out excess flour from ziploc. Add well beaten eggs mixed with 1 tsp water to cauliflower in ziploc and continue your jam session.

dredging station…

egg wash.. if you want to go that route

messy madness

Add bread crumbs and repeat

the way to go.. shake &bake !

spread them out and bake them up

Spread those battered babies on the pan and bake 20 mins at 400.

While they bake, you can make the sauce

Mix 1 tsp of cornstarch in just enough water to dissolve it.

In small sauce pan add 1/2 cup gluten free soy sauce

1/2 c honey

2T line juice

2 crushed garlic cloves

Sriracha to taste 

sauce necessities

Once boiling, turn to simmer and add the cornstarch. Simmer until thickened.. About 5 mins

out of the oven and into the sauce

Add baked cauliflower to serving bowl, coat with sauce and toss.

Put back on cooking pan and broil 2 mins

Return to serving bowl and DEVOUR!!! Yum!!


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