I love to go out to eat! At heart, I’m a foodie with fear and paranoia! About 4 blocks or so from my house are a bunch of restaurants… George’s South Miami is one of them. I like Georges…semi open air… Good drinks… Super Delish French fries (I have a thing about fries… Especially truffle fries…), good friendly service,  and a cool atmosphere.

My youngest has been asking for a night out alone- sans siblings – and we made plans for tonight, so off we go! For awhile, I feared eating out. So many bad experiences… Worshipping of the porcelain goddess … But now .. I have a system. It’s easy to follow… Just these simple steps:

1- ask- “do you have a gluten free menu?” … Gauge reaction…

2- if answered with ANY hesitation or BS like our chef will modify “just for you” go to step 4… Surgeon’s motto “trust no one”! IF (and only IF ) they say “yes! And our chef (or his mother or girl/boyfriend has celiac ” enjoy and proceed to 3.

3- ok!!! How 2015 of them!! Order from the official preprinted gluten free menu at will and enjoy! Preprinted =safe (mostly)

4- ok… They are lying or ignorant or think that because I’m a skinny,tall blond that I’m on a diet. … Hmpffff… Order either salad without dressing (which they are clearly expecting), risotto, or if you eat meat (which bummer for me, I don’t) order meat! Add fries! Yum!

5. Drink, dine and be happy!

6. Ice cream or Creme brûlée for dessert!

7. Ahhhh… Delicious and you didn’t have to cook!!

Ok.. Disclaimer…Fries can be fried with gluten stuff.. Scan the menu.. If there are breaded fried items then don’t order the fries at a non gluten friendly establishment! 

So tonight, we went out, grabbed a table and it just happened (really!!!) to be ladies night with free champagne !!! We had a great dinner!! I had truffle fries and a stracciella mozzarella, tomato and grilled peach salad ( yep… That was GOOD), my daughter had penne pasta and my fiancé fish & chips. Yum. No tummy aches… Never have gone wrong and they have no gluten free menu. Their beet salad is delicious too!

delish! no gluten & plenty of yum factor. thanks georges!

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