545 am…not exactly my favorite time, and today my 6 year old is awake… Reason unknown…and would like breakfast and her hair done.  This definitely will add a wrinkle into my morning dash, but who can be upset by eyes like those? 

I have a busy day ahead and need to get some calories in before it truly starts. First things first… This girl needs coffee and thankfully the latest studies show so many health benefits that I’m going to make it a double! Second, Rudi’s gluten free cinnamon toast… With a little butter… Okay… Don’t be a hater! I like butter on my toast. If you don’t, I would suggest orange marmalade, but honestly it’s perfect by itself.

I pack up, hop in the car and eat this buttery deliciousness while I drive. Now that’s some Distracted Driving. Make it a great day!

maybe a little too much butter…

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