I don’t know about you, but for me half of the struggle is coming up with THE BIG IDEA…humph…. What can I make for dinner…. And fast! I prepare food for my 3 kids, 1 boyfriend, and our family’s au pair from Germany (more about the fabulous benefits of an au pair another day!) 


Chunky Gazpacho with Quesadillas!

Chunky Gazpacho


5 organic tomatos, blanched for 45 seconds, peeled and chopped

2 large organic cucumbers, peeled, seeded and chopped

1 can of corn, drained

1 avocado, chopped

Salt & pepper to taste

1T chipotle sauce (yum!)

Mix it up, put it in the fridge and go for a run! You’re almost done making dinner!



If you have wheat eaters, make theirs LATER! 

Place corn tortillas (we are in a hurry! So use the  pre-made ones!) I like mission. www.missionmenus.com

Heat them in frying pan or comal , cover with cheese, top with a second tortilla and (drum roll…..) …dinner is done. Plate gluten free first and keep separate from flour tortillas if you are preparing both.

Blanch in boiling water

Peel & core tomatos

Add all ingredients & mix well

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