I always have a hard time deciding… Red or white sangria… They are both so yummy… Red reminds me of spiced oranges and cloves and white of summertime on the water….ahhhh.

So, I got up this morning and cleaned my house… Like the kind of cleaning when you get the funky stuff from around the faucets … Scrub the showers until your arms burn… The kind of clean where you wish you hadn’t added another bathroom…

And then, aside from making incredible chilaquiles with egg  for brunch and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch (my kids don’t understand brunch… They just think it’s breakfast with a tardy slip), I painted some horrible looking doors… 

Isn’t it amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do… Honestly, so often I feel like I’m doing that for my life… Not covering up the grime, the scars, the imperfections…. But relishing them… Remembering when I redid my daughters room and scratched the door… Enjoying the wrinkles, the scars… The momentos… But then doing a deep clean to wash away the bad and start fresh… But with the knowledge and experience from before. 

Well… The doors look great… As does the house.. And to celebrate, I made a glass of sangria and headed to the pool… To relax and take in the sound of the parrots, the jumping fish, my crazy dogs and appreciate.

Anyway… THE SANGRIA!!!

1/2 bottle red Zinfandel.. I used Cline

1/2 bottle rose

1 cup margarita mix

1 cup crushed ice

I cup organic mixed berries

Mix, pour… Relax 

 Appreciate what you have… Little or a lot … For you Dads… happy Father’s Day. You truly have something to appreciate.


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