My youngest turns 7 this summer and she asked for a room “makeover” for her birthday. Well, that room is such an over furnished, Barbie over populated mess that I’m having a hard time getting started! 

Step 1… Get the excess furniture out of there! I have an IKEA futon that is awesome for sitting and reading and sleepovers that used to be in the playroom before I split the girls to give each their own room. 

So, I decided to rearrange the furniture in my 14 year old son’s room and out the futon in there, transforming his room into a teen hangout. Yes… I got completely distracted and redid his room…My son was born in Houston and then we lived in Dallas for 2 years after that… Despite moving to Florida at age 4, he defines himself as a Texan… Which of course I think is funny and cool all at the same time…

Once I moved the furniture around (3 times to get it right) and iced my back, I realized that it was missing something… A feature wall with a flag of Texas.

Oh… And since this started with my daughter, I had bought chalkboard paint (and dry erase paint too!!! Fun fun fun!!) and decided to make a door sign to replace the “pirates of the Caribbean” that has been there so long!

The door!

I repainted the door a glossy white, and then taped out a rectangle with painters tape and also a star. I placed them on the door and leveled them and then applied a light coat of white base to prevent bleeding. 

   Next, I applied the chalkboard paint, 2 layers 4 hours apart.

I peeled off the tape but thought…”BORING”, so I ran out to Michael’s and got a 6$ frame… As rustic looking as I could find.


boring… and messy…

 I painted the frame with the flag  


 and VIOLA! lOVE THIS!!  

The Room!

I taped off the areas and painted away!


I ran out to Bed Bath & Beyond and got a star!



Happy Saturday!

I’m off to the surgery residents graduation with just a little paint on me… 


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