Today is cinco de mayo. But, I’m on call and so I’m boycotting… And my boyfriend, who is Mexican, says it’s not a real holiday…so I feel like boycotting is even a better idea. Of course, he came home and asked “where are the margaritas?” Jerk. Just kidding… Mostly.

Anyway, I had planned sandwich night for the kids (essentially I put out bread and sandwich meat and cheese and condiments and call it dinner! Yeah, me!) I wanted something a little different tonight and one of my favorite (and super duper easy dinners) is a one pot curry rice bowl. 

I use a rice maker, but a large pot would work as well. 

So to rice maker add:

1 cup rice

1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

1 small chopped potato

1/2 chopped onion

2 c water

1/2 can coconut milk

4T curry

Oregano/ thyme to taste

Salt and pepper to taste

2 t red pepper flakes


just pour it all in there and get ready for fantastically easy & delicious


add us too!


the poor beaten machine that cooks my rice!

 Mix it all, turn on rice cooker to “mixed” or boil and then simmer on low heat until all water absorbed. I usually add 1/2 cup water at end and stir to give a creamier texture. Serve with side of tomatoes or puréed tomatoes.

here it is! Cinco de Mayo that!

 ❤️make it a great night! 

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