Friday night! WE made it! The kids through their first week of school, my fiancé got back from overseas business travel at 0400, my parents arrived back this evening from vacation (for their 50th Anniversary!!!), and me too… From a week of work, school supply shopping, driving, guiding, cooking, airport dropping & picking up and all the things that we, as working moms, do. I’m proud to say, I even hurricane “readied” (you’re never really ready) my home…. I know… I technically should have done that a couple of months back…but Hey! It’s done now.

At the end of this whirlwind of a week… Kids stressed, tired and a bit anxious… The crazy hours and loads of homework and after school activities, I really had a moment when I realized how very blessed I am. Friday morning, I got up at 4, went to the airport, picked up my BF, came home, took my son to the metro, went to the pool and had an awesome swim and while walking to my car, I got an email. From a patient… She wasn’t sure if I’d remember her (I did),but she’s now 25 and doing well after a horrible, terrible cancer, and she wanted to say hi, that she will always remember me and thanks. BOOM. Mind blown. That’s it right? That’s all. That is the singular reason why I love my everyday… Life and the resiliency of the human mind, spirit, and body… Truly beautiful. I have the career I always dreamed of, beautiful parents that have stayed together 50 years, 3 healthy children, wonderful friends and a truly fabulous fiancé… Who, by the way, is training for New York Marathon number 8? (I think) … (More on marathons and the stresses of being a marathon cheerleader later… Let me tell you.. That’s gonna be a long blog.)

Anyway, nutrition is important and Runners world, which my fiancé reads and follows… Religiously…suggested some pre-run meals to fuel the run and minimize those GI issues (runners… You know what I mean…ugh). One of their suggestions was pancakes and eggs.

So… Gluten free waffles… High in protein, fiber, but not too much… Serve with an egg (or add extra to the mix) and you’ve got yourself a great Pre-run meal that will beat spaghetti any day!

Gluten Free Apple Spice Waffles

This recipe was for 8 people (18 waffles)

2 apples – cored, chopped, peel on. I used organic daisy girl 

1/3 cup sugar (turbinado)

2 tsp cinnamon

Dash nutmeg

2 T lemon juice

Mix together in small bowl and allow to sit


daisy girl organic apples.


sugar & spice & everything nice


ok… i did eat a bit of this yumminess?

1/2 cup butter, melted

5 eggs, separated

2 t vanilla

2 T apple cider vinegar

1 1/2 c water (can use milk)

4 cups Pamela’s gluten free pancake mix

Dash salt

Whisk egg white until stiff peaks, set aside

Mix wet ingredients together reserving several tablespoons of butter to brush on the waffle iron, mix in Apple mix

Add wet to dry and mix until just thoroughly combined. Fold in egg whites.

Cook in waffle iron.


lets get this party started!


Serve with eggs, fresh fruit, walnuts and maple syrup.


a meal fit for a table of hungry athletes


dinner, breakfast, brunch or lunch… this is just, plain, good


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