Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Tag: Parenting

Not sure where to start… but I’ve rode in this rodeo before And you have to DEFINE what it means to Do It All

yep. It’s true. Lack of confidence is not my game. But this back to school thing… Wow. Nothing gets a Mom like seeing her kids stressed. I even started taking Zantac and am having a Tuesday glass of wine. I think I’ll title that terrific Tuesday to make it seem legit.

Gluten free cooking? Well let me share a true story and pearl of wisdom… The pearl… It’s ok to ask for help… It’s ok… Just use the Dominos App.   Oh… And in case you were wondering… Their gluten free pizza is yummy (I get tomato, spinach and mushroom) and I’ve Never gotten sick. 

The story… So Monday is back to school… I take the day off (because my oldest is 14 and my youngest 8 and I’ve riden this bull in the rodeo before…did you guys know I lived in Texas for 8 years???) The problem is that I have expectations… Easy 545 am drop off to the metro with the 14 year old, easy walk in and drop off 8 & 10 year old Girls, time off from 8-130, pick up 14 year old and take him to swim team tryouts and them swim team practice and Viola! I’m done! 

Well… It’s pitch black at 545. (You and I know that… But 14 year olds don’t). Suddenly, it’s a good idea that I ride the metro to find the school bus.. Ok cool.. I’m in. All ok. I support the decision wholeheartedly .. Back to get girls… Fine.. Except my 8 year old won’t speak once we get to school… Like not even her name… Not Hi to her friends… She’s pale… Hmmmm… Well, yes… Actually I am a doctor… She’s … Wait for it .. Terrified. 

So I get home and I embark on my day’s project… Paint a wall, a bench, plant 6 planters with flowers… (I do have goals… After all… I took the whole day off):)

Then I get the text that the swim team tryout application is incomplete… The papers downloaded (last week) are last year and have to be redone… Wow. Because I spent Saturday finding a notary to do it… Wow. So super dad steps in and gets it done… But the office still won’t take it… Until the next day. Bureaucracy… Alive and well.

So, we go to club swim team practice, drop rice in rice maker for sopes and rice and beans, head to Office Depot, next kid to swim practice … When I realize… Dinner will not be on the table until 9….best case scenario.

Uff… Breathe. Yep. If you can’t get it done, accept it & make a change. Dominos it is. Done. 

Sometimes it’s just gotta be… You can’t be 200 places a one time. You can’t control the traffic, the hideous line at Office Depot… Make choices that work. You can have balance… But some days, you have to define what it means to do it all.

Tuesday …this time 0600 metro… he’s confident on his own…All good. Swim team tryouts attended…Will find results out tomorrow. The usual homework difficulties… Printer broke (hallelujah for Amazon prime NOW.. Printer arrives in 2 hours)…laundry -CHECK…. Homework -DONE… Teacher of stressed out 7 year old -EMAILED…. Dinner… Sopes and rice and beans complete and delicious. Bedtime stories read, homework assistance provided… You can do it all… You just need to define “all” and realize that it is okay to ask for help… (And to cry… And to have terrific Tuesday) YOUVE GOT THIS, and so do I.

845 and ALL children asleep.

Buenas noches…. Good night.

Parenting isn’t easy, but it’s not the nights that knock your socks off, but the beautiful feet that you put the socks on. 


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The Top 5 Reasons I a Choose to use an AuPair for Childcare

Its that time of year again… An email from the AuPair agency reminds me to “start my search” for my familiy’s next AuPair. Every year, I reassess the program, and again this year I have decided in favor of an AuPair for my childcare needs. Here are the top 5 reasons that I choose to use an AuPair for childcare:

1. Excellent childcare & flexible- 

      An AuPair will provide 45 hours per week of in home childcare. The do not do housekeeping. The just have fun with your family, help with homework, go to the park, play barbies and games, and participate as a family member for the year they are with you! They can drive, take to and from school and after school activities…everything most parents need in a childcare provider. In home care means flexibility….that means you can go for a run….outside….at 6 am. Awesome! You can meet a friend after putting the kids to bed. Love it! You get stuck at work …it’s covered. Just keep within the work hour regulations and remember your kids want to see you too!

2. Wonderful cultural exchange – 

The wonderful AuPairs that have stayed with my family have all been from Germany. There are AuPairs from everywhere! I choose Germany, because my kids are in a bilingual language magnet program (german, obviously). Our AuPair speaks to the kids in German and helps them with their German homework, and we learn a bit about Germany while she learns about the US. AuPairs must take college classes during their year. They have a great time meeting new people, getting out of the house. It is a great way for a young woman to learn important career skills and become independent!

past and present Au Pairs on vacation with my kids at disney this year

3. Au Pairs are good role models for my children- 

Strong, independent young men & women who take initiative to leave their homeland for a year to gain a cultural experience, language skills and polish their college applications? These young men & women are AWESOME! Just what I want my kids to see!

4. Affordable childcare – 

There are upfront agency recruitment fees and then a weekly stipend and educational stipend that are very reasonable. The upfront charges vary by agency. The weekly stipend is set by the government at $195.76 as this is an official government sponsored exchange program! Both the program and your AuPair have a tax ID, so you can deduct them and your AuPair can pay taxes.

5. Comprehensive package– 

if you use an agency, they provide you with education, program guidelines, recruitment, help with interview, flight to and from US, a program coordinator with monthly meetings for your AuPair and help… even mediation if required. They also provide program materials, including a communication log and if needed, a program to find your AuPair a new home and you a new AuPair if things don’t work out. ( I have not had to do this!) Also, the AuPair is provided with health insurance.

Basically, I love the program and recommend it. I use cultural care AuPair and have been a happy AuPair host mom for the last 4 years!

taken from

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Peace On Earth….and at dinner.

If you have more than one child, you understand that dinner can erupt like a volcano of hot molten disobedience. Dining as a family has so many benefits, but honestly there are nights that seem like I’m a negotiator for the United Nations rather than a surgeon & mom.  So, a shout out to Macaroni’s Grill (@macaroniGrill) for reminding my family that dinner together can be fun! During a recent Disney vacation, we went to Macaroni’s Grill for dinner, where my kids (all of them) and I were enamored with the paper covered tables and crayons.  Now for you celiacs and gluten free fans, I safely enjoyed a Caprese Salad! 

Now, for special occasions, like tonight which marks the beginning of spring break for my kids, or if I sense that the natives are cranky, out comes the roll of IKEA craft paper (@IKEAUSA) and …..phew….. Dinner is fun, conversation pleasant and drawing abundant.

Love and Peace… On earth and at your dinner table.

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Hello and Welcome!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a single mom of 3 with the usual struggle of finding the balance between a career, kids, and the seemingly endless job of running a household! Dinner has got to be fast, nutritious and delicious, and for me…. Gluten free! I love DIY projects and trying out new ideas to organize and improve my home, and I love to experiment in the kitchen! Plus, I like trying out restaurants and can share with you my tips on safe gluten free eating out!

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