Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Tag: mexican

Chilaquiles! Brunch, Dinner, Lunch… This is a quick easy & super delicious glutenfree dish that you and your kids will love! 

There has been a lot in the news about food waste. Truly tragic with the high food cost, hunger and malnutrition. Chilaquiles is a dish designed to use leftovers! Leftover or aging corn tortillas, a variety of veggies… I looked through my fridge and I have 2 older half bags of corn tortillas, zip lock bags of half white and red onions, half a bag of sweet peppers….yep! I know what I can use these for! The only thing I needed to buy was tomatillos!

For chilaquiles, you just need salsa verde and tortilla chips. Both are best for this recipe when made fresh.

Step 1- Salsa Verde

12 tomatillos, husked & rinsed

1 jalapeño

3-5 small sweet peppers

1/2-1 onion

You can also add in tomatoes if you have some in their last days

Add all the above to boiling water

Boil 10 minutes 

this is a great, tasty, fresh way to get in lots of veggies

 Drain quickly and with still a little water, add to blender with

1 tsp salt

1 1/2c cilantro

Blend until smooth

Step 2- sauce for Chilaquiles  

In sauce pan, melt 1T butter ( or olive oil), add:

1/2 cup chopped onion( I used red)

Pour in 1/2 of salsa verde (put remaining half in bowl and place On table for extra sauce!)

Stir occasionally, allow to thicken

Step 3- chips

Chop tortillas into strips or wedges

I used all my leftovers (around 20 small corn tortillas) 

mission corn tortillas! yum!

Fry lightly, drain and place in casserole 

go ahead… eat a few. warm fresh crispy chips are the BEST

 Step 4- Assemble!

Toss with salsa verde gently, top with cheese ( I used queso blanco)


Have a great day!!


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Friday = Fiesta! Yes! Of course, Gluten Free (& Vegetarian)

4 more days of school. But who is counting anyway? Well, I have 3 who have switched to counting the minutes… Summer is so close, they can taste it. The pool pump broke over Memorial Day weekend and the pool is so green that I’m thinking a pet pod of tadpoles could be fun… BRING IT ON! Bring on the sun, the hurricane scares, the daily thunderstorms, the neighborhood crocodile (not kidding… Check out my Instagram account for a photo) and bring on those relaxing evenings without homework, no strict bedtimes of 8 pm…. Outside dinners… by the (hopefully clear blue) pool, under the starry Florida sky…. warm breezes, eating in our bathing suits, MAGIC…. BRING IT… We are ready!

In the spirit of celebration, I decided on a dinner of guacamole, chips, black bean sopes and quesadillas with handmade tortillas. All this in under 1 hour… With some goofing off while cooking (the only way to go).

Hungry yet?

Let’s go!

Guacamole (see prior posts for recipe)

Chips (tostitos are certified GF)

Handmade Tortillas & Sopes

4 cups Maseca corn flour

1 tsp salt

2 2/3 cup warm water

Mix well for 2 mins ( with your hands…. Its Friday… Sink those fingers in and de-stress) roll into balls and let sit. Divide into 2 sets of about 20 balls. 

masa balls and guacmole…. getting ready!


Take balls and press in center with thumb.  

make them small… call them sopes… big … huaraches… i call them delicious!

 Fry in veggie oil for about 5 mins, turning once, until golden brown. Place on paper towel to drain.

frying… don’t they look happy?

Fill with 1 T black bean mix or refried beans and top with cheese. 

my son has already stolen one…. yep… he approves…


easy, delicious, fun to make! screams FIESTA!

 Black Bean Mix

Process until smooth

1 can black beans

1/4 onion

1 green onion

1/4 c carrot

3 sweet peppers

1 T oregano

1 T chili powder

Dash salt and pepper

(Personally, I used leftover black bean burger mix, heated in microwave 2 mins)


Take remaining masa balls and press in tortilla presa covered in saran wrap. Cook on Comal for 50s per side  

my ab workout for the evening…

truly… nothing beats homemade tortillas…

 Allow to cool

Place again on Comal, top with cheese and second tortilla. Cook until cheese melted, turning once.  

except maybe homemade tortillas covered in cheese..


to the table!

 That’s it! Fiesta Time

summer fiesta from my table to yours! gluten free can be Oh So Good!



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Fall in Love with Meatless Monday! Red Chard Enchiladas with Freshly Prepared Salsa Verde….gluten free, vegetarian and omg good…..

A year or so ago, my kids designated Monday as Mexican Monday. I know the rest of the world has it as Meatless Monday…so why not just mix them together? Anyway, I always look forward to cooking Monday dinner, and tonight is no exception! 

First, fresh homemade salsa verde… I’m going to start with that, because honestly if you’re exhausted, just make that, grab a bag of tortilla chips, some retried beans and cheese and you’ve got yourself a meal! It’s good…really good…my son, who was my taste tester tonight, ate at least a cup of it before I had the enchiladas ready to bake! Ready? 

Salsa Verde

you cant find THIS in a store! get your chips ready… the cook needs some nourishment, too!

10-12 tomatillos

6 small sweet peppers

1 jalapeño (seeded if you don’t like it spicy, 2 if you like it HOT!)

Salt 1tsp

Garlic 2 cloves

1/2 onion

1 cup cilantro fresh

Husk tomatillos, wash. Add everything except salt, garlic & cilantro to boiling water and boil 10 minutes. Add to ninja with salt and garlic and blend, add cilantro and blend to pure delicious, salsa verde perfection…..stays in fridge for at least a week…..assuming that you don’t eat it all….good luck with that!


usually, im the one in hot water…but tonight, so far, so good

they look delicious already

ninja, ninja, Ninja!

Next stop, Red Chard Enchiladas

You need: red chard, or rainbow

Onion (red), garlic, salt & pepper

3-4 small sweet peppers

1 jalapeño

3 potatoes, chopped

Cheese, shredded, I used “Mexican blend”

Corn tortillas, I used Mission

Salsa verde, from store or above

Brown potatoes about 10-12 minutes, until cooked with salt and pepper, set 


chop, season, and brown…you DO have music on , right?

Chop up stem of chard and sauté with onion, garlic, salt and pepper. After a couple handfuls of chips (maybe 3-4 mins), add peppers, then chard leaves cut into ribbons. Sauté about 5 mins. Add potatoes, 1 cup of cheese, stir.

red chard stems, ready for chopping

add everything together & mix!

Spoon into warmed tortillas (microwave 1 minute in towel), roll and place in pan. 

roll it up!

Cover with salsa verde & cheese.

pour on salsa & spread to cover

Bake until bubbly 15-20 mins 350 degrees, covered

Get your family to the table! They better kiss the cook tonight! ❤️

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Mexican Meatless Monday! Cheese Flautas! Easy & Gluten Free

I’m kind of tired! I injured my ankle in an act of distracted walking and am a bit humiliated… According to my iPhone I walked 4.5 miles today in this boot, which I accept as my penance for a completely preventable accident. This dinner is so easy that I pull up two stools… One for me and one for “the black boot of shame” and in 15 mins, dinner is done!

First- I make guacamole…. See prior recipe… Delicious, nutritious and oh! So yummy!!! 

honestly… for me, this could be dinner !

Second- pop open bag of the all new “simply tostitos”. This is the first time I’ve seen these- my son picked them out at Publix and my kids loved them. Really great corn flavor! Less salt… Organic corn… Gluten free with clear labeling. Winner! (For chips…)

Third- lets get these flautas going!

You need:

Corn tortillas ( I use mission)

Veggie oil or olive oil

Monterey Jack cheese

Heat oil to medium high. Wrap 10 corn tortillas at a time in a cloth napkin, drip a little water on napkin and heat 1 minute on high in microwave.

Slice Monterrey jack into strips 1/4″ x 1/4″ x length of block (see photo) 

so easy.. 15 mins to your favorite dinner EVER

 Roll each cheese strip into tortilla and press to hold form. If tortillas are crumbling, place back in microwave for 30 seconds. 

rolling…rolling… rolling…


Fry, turning once to achieve golden brown. 

yep… there’s not a lot of fried gluten free food! enjoy this… unless you have high cholesterol… then dont…

Serve with chipotle, guacamole and chips! 

not just another meatless mexican monday…

Meatless Mexican Monday is yours!!!! And … No tummy ache! You got this! 

Repeat after me.. “I’m the bomb!” Now eat and enjoy! ❤️

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Date Night! Talavera- Coral Gables

Night out & we are going to one of my favorite restaurants, Talavera !  This restaurant has reliable food & service, a great location & reservations on Open Table. Perfect!  I really enjoy Mexican food because there are so many vegan, vegetarian and gluten free choices.  And for dinner with friends who eat meat….that’s always there as well. On arrival, the place was packed, but still no wait!  The only bad thing about Talavera is that I have never, ever had room for dessert… In fact I usually order appetizers and an entree to share! If you are a big eater, you will definitely love it!

We started with Margaritas (can you say über?). I got the “ambitious” margarita  (yes! I did!) and my date got the “flor de pasion” margarita.

flor de pasion margarita

the ambitious margarita

We ordered the queso fundido poblano as appetizer #1 which comes with handmade flour tortillas that they happily switch for corn. This is so good…just order 2 and skip dinner!

queso fundido

queso fundido on fresh homemade corn tortilla

Next we got the jicama & cucumbers with chili piquin. So fresh and crispy, if it wasn’t so spicy I could eat it all night!

Finally, we order the vegetarian Huarache, or sandal. These have a masa base and then are filled with a variety of toppings.  They have many choices, but the veggie Huarache is full of fresh roasted zucchini, onions, black beans, cheese & a lot of guacamole. Divine!

this huarache, or sandal, is like a size 12…. maybe its for the Miami Heat! super delicioso

Well…I’m full and that was so yummy! No tummy ache = excellent! See you there! ❤️

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Dinner for 6 in less than 30 minutes…and yes… gluten free

I don’t know about you, but for me half of the struggle is coming up with THE BIG IDEA…humph…. What can I make for dinner…. And fast! I prepare food for my 3 kids, 1 boyfriend, and our family’s au pair from Germany (more about the fabulous benefits of an au pair another day!) 


Chunky Gazpacho with Quesadillas!

Chunky Gazpacho


5 organic tomatos, blanched for 45 seconds, peeled and chopped

2 large organic cucumbers, peeled, seeded and chopped

1 can of corn, drained

1 avocado, chopped

Salt & pepper to taste

1T chipotle sauce (yum!)

Mix it up, put it in the fridge and go for a run! You’re almost done making dinner!



If you have wheat eaters, make theirs LATER! 

Place corn tortillas (we are in a hurry! So use the  pre-made ones!) I like mission.

Heat them in frying pan or comal , cover with cheese, top with a second tortilla and (drum roll…..) …dinner is done. Plate gluten free first and keep separate from flour tortillas if you are preparing both.

Blanch in boiling water

Peel & core tomatos

Add all ingredients & mix well

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