Why are we always in a hurry? Does it seem that you run from one place to another? Perpetually late? This is our fault… We put these expectations on ourselves. There are 24 hours in each day… To use as we see fit.. Squander… Relish… Enjoy… Or FREAK OUT. Your choice. Save time or make time for the things that MATTER to you. No one else decides how you react to the world around you. Some days, I’m happy and cool as a cucumber when my kids are fighting… Others… I scream like a banshee! Why? My choice… But I like the calm me better… I try to keep the banshee in the river where she belongs!

Dinner time & prep can be stressful! Some people prepare the week’s dinner in advance… I’ve never liked doing that… I like to think about dinner during the day and then come up with a meal that I think will suit my family well on that given day… Or prepare them well for the next! Sometimes that means I have to hurry through the prep… But there are some dinners that are easy, fun and DELICIOUS!!

Tonight… Potato Pizza!! My kids love it and I love the easy prep! Plus it’s gluten free, vegetarian and can be varied just like any pizza!

Potato Pizza

Large potatoes- russet organic- 1 per person

Olive oil

Kosher salt

Wash, oil, salt… Like spa day 🙂

Wrap in tin foil and toss in oven for an hour at 375


Potato spa day!

 Go for a run, play the piano, read a book, help kids with the homework or… Take a nap!!!!

Once cooked (if you’re really running late, microwave the potatoes) slice into quarters and the score in the other direction.


Sprinkle with Parmesan, 

Pour on some spaghetti sauce

Cover with 1/4 cup each mozzarella cheese, then a little Parmesan and some fresh basil


 Put plates in the oven (not on… Just still warm from potato baking) or microwave until melted 


Enjoy! Take a deep breath! You’ll get there when you get there!❤️

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