Last night, out at a conference dinner hosted and attended by a group from Emory University in Atlanta, one of the other guests asked me ( I’m Emory BS ’92), “what’s the deal with Dooley”. And the truth was (& is)..I don’t know! Dooley is a lab skeleton, impersonated annually & randomly by very select students … He first appeared in 1899 through letters mailed to the Emory newspaper and now has a week every spring held in this honor. They say he is the “keeper” of the Emory spirit.  But it got me thinking….why does college seem like such a blur ….and as I recalled all the details of what was a busy era for me I realized how much I have to owe to Emory and to the sport of swimming. 


and now…

Emory gave me a big opportunity…almost a free ride with the agreement that I would “work-study” to assist with the cost, scholarships, grants and some small loans, and also a place on the swim team – which I co-captained my senior year… The same year our team Excelled at Division 3 nationals.   Yep… Division 3… I guess that’s how I’ve always thought of it…”holly, did you swim in college?” “Yes…but, division 3″… Well division 3 or not, I got ALOT out of that program, and I hope I gave a lot while there. Here is what I think about swimming… And to some extent, sports in general…

1- You get out what you put in- I went to swim practice, work, class, work, swim practice and then taught swimming lessons before going to bed each night. I studied a little but I made a huge effort…in and out of the pool. And out of the opportunity Emory gave me, I had doors open into the career I desired.

2- Truly, you are entitled to nothing . I saw a bumper sticker last year that read “entitlement is my birthright ” No. Opportunity is our birthright and we should kiss the ground that we are born on as so many others don’t have it. A chance is a blessing. You want it, fight for it, put in the time, sweat, tears and go get it…and if you fail… You learned how not to do it…get up and try again.

3. The pool tells no lies.  Swimming is a beautiful team sport…you work hard, play hard, celebrate and party…all with your team… But in the end… It’s just you on the block…you’ve  either trained your body and mind (it takes both) to succeed ( you don’t have to “win”) or you haven’t . I remember one of our team members, a true leader, always pep talking us with statements like “don’t be worried about the other team’s swimmer…she puts her pants on one leg at a time …just like you ” “what you do once, you can do twice”..  And so on and so forth… And I repeat those words in my head at work, On call, When facing sleep deprivation, crisis or conflict at home, when I get out there to run or swim, interview for a job, give a public speech or tackle a difficult, life threatening, medical  problem in one of my patients. Put on your big-girl (or boy) pants and get it done…because you’re prepared and you know you can.

4. Water is cleansing – simple as that. Jump in and wash away the grime of the day, the stress, the useless anger or guilt. Beat it up, take it out on the pool…it can take it.

5. Swimming teaches leadership – responsibility, punctuality, confidence, time management, team building, and respect.

6. Coaches inspire kids- they open the door, show you what’s possible, ignore your whining (unless it for a real injury), congratulate you and show you respect for your efforts.  They see through you. If they see a spark, they hand you the tinder to light the fire. So to all you coaches out there – a million thanks.  And to my coaches, Terry Schlichenmaier, Peter Smith & Andrew Pulsifer, thank you.  No, I was never a world class swimmer, but as a college athlete, I set the stage for an active life, beautiful family and successful career. 

But I still don’t get what the deal is with Dooley…

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