Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Tag: coral gables

Great Gluten Free Eats in Miami! Deli Lane & Misha’s Cupcake’s Cookies for Dessert! (Yes. That’s Right…GlutenFree)

I usually eat out 1-2 times per week, and of course, have some degree of anxiety over what I may accidentally ingest. I have really found that well written menus with simple fresh ingredients are more reliable than “gluten free”. There are some great, reliable gluten free places in Miami, but I like to find somewhere that my friends don’t make the “gluten free face”….. Yeah… It’s true, right? So I choose places that don’t have complicated sauces or salad dressings, and have delicious fresh foods!

Deli Lane is a Miami favorite… Especially for brunch… Weeknights and weekend evenings, the wait is non existence, the service great, the atmosphere chill and the menu casual, and varied…. As a bonus… They always have a gluten free item of the day (which in fairness, I have never ordered because their salads and omelets are just too good).  

 This time, we grabbed an outdoor table on Saturday evening, and I ordered a Strongbow Cider at the recommendation of our waiter and it was GREAT!  

cold, crisp, light and delicious

 For dinner (brunch is served all day) I ordered the brunch enchilada. Corn tortillas layered with refried beans, eggs, cheese and tomato…. Just great &  with a side of cheese grits! The gluten free special of the day was pancakes with berries…yum. 

brunch enchilada at Deli Lane

 I have been dining here for years. The staff knows what gluten is and can tell you if the dish you would like is safe, the food is consistently good, the happy hour is fab and I have never gotten so much as a stomach ache… Although once I ordered potato skins for dinner and I had to be rolled home…


Now… If you come to Miami, or you live in Miami, you’ve got to try Misha’s  Cupcakes. There are stores throughout Miami and Misha recently began selling gluten free foods. High quality ingredients with high flavor desserts. If you need a sugar fix, this should be it. I don’t eat too many sweets, but tonight I tried her new ginger cookies… Soft, right texture and ginger snap taste inside and out. I ate 3… Yes, I did and don’t judge.. One word, Yum.

Misha’s Cupcake’s Gluten Free Ginger Cookies

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Top 5 sights of my happy Monday run! 

Coral gables isn’t called The City Beautiful for nothing…that’s for sure! I woke up to a crisp, clear, cool (by Miami standards) morning and decided to go for a quick run before heading into work.  Sometimes you just have to open your eyes and really take in the sights, but this morning, I decided to take some pics to share with you! I fall quite often while running….(seriously!) so this was a little dangerous…. But me, my iPhone and my knees all survived!

1.  The first thing I really enjoy are the canals and bridges. I cross over 3 on my usual 5k route, and it always gives me a little inspiration to see the water & wildlife right inside the city! 

the bridges of the gables waterway

each bridge is a different style

overlooking the junction of the mahi waterway with the gables waterway

2.  I am always amazed by the fertility of the ground here. Fruit trees and bromeliads like pineapple abound. Mango, avocado, banana, star fruit (carambola), papaya and coconut fill the yards of the neighborhood homes.

papaya tree

mango madness

3.  Flowers EVERYWHERE – amazing beautiful flowers … Too many to share in one post.  Flowering trees, shrubs and, of course orchids. Here are some pics…all from my run (with lots of breaks) today. 

4. Spanish moss  &  other epiphytes – huge trees  shade the roads & sidewalks and many of these are home to beautiful epiphytes. These tropical air plants get their nutrients from the air, rainwater and organic debris that gets trapped in the roots! So pretty & does not harm to its host tree!!

5. Distracting accents like traffic circles, old coral walls, and sculptures dot the city of  Coral a Gables keeping me entertained while running! It’s no wonder I fall so often…

Get out and enjoy your city! Make your neighbors crazy by running through their yards and taking selfies with their flowers! Have fun!

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Wish you could stay…

March may well be my favorite month in Miami. It’s warm, but the sun is not yet scorching, it rains, but there aren’t daily thunderstorms reminiscent of a typhoon or the “perfect storm”. Today, my dogs woke me up at 630 (thank you, Humane society!) 

cocoa… the early riser


and I went out to find…. A green pool….and not a little green. I guess out of town last weekend and on call this weekend was a bad pool care combo. I can’t blame the pool boy/girl… Because that would be me. Ugh… Note that there is no picture because it’s horrible. While I got to work on the pool, there were so many incredible beautiful things that just make me wish March could stay:

1. Sunrise over tranquil water

gorgeous morning

2. Macaw parrots- released by hurricane Andrew, Coral Gables has a healthy community of these guys! They scream like crazy, but Hey! I’m already awake.

3. Orchids… Everywhere. And the bloom like they were taken from the best gardens in the world, yet I do nothing to them all year. 


4. More Birds- Woodpeckers… Sometimes heron, or even on occasion a bald eagle, and a today, beautiful pair of cardinals

I’m off to work. Have a beautiful day!

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