Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Tag: breakfast

OMG Look at this Toast! Real breakfast! Real easy and really good (and gluten free)

Love, love, love breakfast. Hate,hate, hate getting up early enough to make a real breakfast. My kids have enjoyed years of Nutella and croissants… Probably I have deprived them of the best colleges, long term success and happiness with this sugar rich breakfast… But hey…. I never said I was perfect. Cereals that they like and quick oatmeals aren’t too much better. I’ve tried freezing waffles or breads made over the weekend, but in this household of 6, I’m lucky if the food makes it to Monday! And then…my kids are each so different! My oldest doesn’t want to take the time and has a breakfast drink each morning. My youngest wants breakfast made to order, and the middle one eats breakfast like she’s never been fed…. You can’t make something and set it down for her… She orders refills like a teenager at Shoney’s. 

kids breakfast! avocado toast with chia pudding

This past week I honeymooned in France (just one more reason to love my now husband!) and while due to celiac, I can’t partake in all the amazing pastries, I really did enjoy and take note of a culture that knows how to have breakfast! Now… People of France… Please STOP smoking!!!

I saw some of the most beautiful foods… cheeses, pastries, macaroons, breads, gluten free breads, yogurts ( la fermiere…yuuuummmmm), and eggs. One of my favorites was avocado toast.

So this morning, I decided to try my hand at seed and nut bread served up as avocado toast! Yum!! Can’t wait! 


sous chef ready for duty!

Seed and Nut Bread

Dry ingredients

Add to bowl

1 1/2 cup gluten free flour – I used Pamelas artisanal flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 t baking soda

2 T turbinado sugar

1 t yeast

Dash salt

1 -2 t pumpkin pie spice

1/2 cup gluten free oatmeal 

1/4 cup each: flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts 

get a little nutty!

Mix it up!

after mixing…

To the dry ingredients, add the wet ingredients all at once

Wet ingredients

1/2 can pumpkin pack

1 t vanilla

2T apple cider vinegar

2 eggs, plus 1 egg white

1/3 cup coconut milk

1/4 cup oil (I used olive.. Because that’s what I had!)

1/4 cup chia seeds mixed in early and allowed to gel for about 10 mins

yummy pumpkin mess!

Mix well and put into greased bread pan. Top with nuts and seeds and a little turbinado sugar to taste!

Bake at 350 • for 40 mins

worth the wait!

Enjoy as is, or for Avocado Toast

Top with smashed avocado

Sprinkle of salt and pepper to taste

Squeeze of fresh lemon

1/4 tsp sesame seeds 

good morning!

Serve with your fav breakfast beverage in your fav breakfast spot!

It’s the most important meal… Join me in trying to do it right! Live, love, be active… Gluten free.


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Sunday morning happiness

Sunday, not on call, I have a couple early morning errands, but I would LOVE to have a yummy breakfast with the kids.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t start cooking until….. Until I exercise, until I take care of the dogs, until I clean up the kitchen… This one I don’t understand. I’m about to make a big mess, but I refuse to start unless the dishwater is empty, the counters cleared and wiped. Yeah, I agree, I have OCD. I try to control it, but fail…. I start breakfast at 1045… After errands, after hot yoga, after 2 cups of coffee & the kitchen is shining.

My daughter has requested waffles.. Pumpkin waffles. I’m in! I have ripe bananas, so while I’m trashing the kitchen, I’ll make banana bread.

Easy Pumpkin Oatmeal Waffles -Gluten Free

3 eggs separated

1 c milk

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 c butter, melted , plus 1 T reserved for griddle

3/4 can organic pumpkin pack

1 T apple cider vinegar

Whisk egg whites to soft peaks, and put aside. Mix all wet ingredients

2 1/2 cup gluten free baking mix (I used Pamela’s)

1 packet gluten free oatmeal mix (I used Eco-planet maple & brown sugar)

1t pumpkin pie spice

Whisk together and mix in wet ingredients

Fold in egg whites

Brush griddle w butter, cook…

gluten free flour with oatmeal

the kitchen getting dirty….why i needed it clean first….i dont know

fold it in 🙂 inhale…. yum

yum, yum, yum! not even a crumb left….

Gluten Free Banana Bread

2 eggs

1/4 c melted butter

1 t vanilla

1/3 cup sugar

2 bananas

1/4 c pumpkin pack

1 T apple cider vinegar

Mix well

1 3/4 gluten free flour ( I used Pamela’s baking mix)

If using plain flour, add salt, baking powder & baking soda

1/3 cup walnuts

1t cinnamon

Dash nutmeg

1 t pumpkin pie mix

Mix with wet ingredients

Pour into greased bread pan, top with raw sugar & walnuts

Bake at 350, 55 mins

i dont know what youre thinking, but im thinking EAT!

moist, delicious, nutritious !

Happy Sunday!  Make it a great day❤️

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Breakfast Strata! Yes! Gluten Free and Delicious!

Recently, I watched Bobby Flay cook up a scrumptious brunch (who doesn’t like to watch that man cook?..). Anyway, he made the most delicious looking strata …so, feeling inspired, I decided to try a strata for mothers’s day!

What you need:

Loaf of gluten free bread (I used  Udi’s sandwich bread)

1 onion

Whatever topping you want (spinach, mushroom, I used ham & cheese for the kids)

12 oz cheese of choice (I used cheddar)

10 eggs

1c whole milk (I think any milk would be fine)

Dash nutmeg

2 t parsley 

1 to red pepper flakes

Step 1: Carmelize sliced onion with red pepper.

medium heat & let them sit so they get beautifully browned…

Step 2:  Chop bread into squares and place in greased pan.

1-2 inch squares…the whole loaf


place them into greased pan

Step 3: Toss bread with onions and cheese, and any other desired toppings.

its going to be a long paddle to prepare for this yumminess

 Step 4: Mix eggs, milk and seasoning and then pour over bread.

whisking is therapeutic… go for it..


pour it all over submerging all the bread!

 Step 5: Cover, put in oven & bake at 350 for 40 mins. At this point, which I was at in 10mins, I suited up and headed out on a paddle! Breakfast will be ready when I get home!


one of my favorite places, coral gables waterway

Enjoy!! Happy Mother’s Day!


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Gingerbread Waffles…gluten free & perfect for a lazy Sunday 

Long week? Well Relax! Put some easy, yummy waffles on the table with fruit & cheese grits and brunch is ready! These waffles taste as good as they smell….and they smell like a combination of a fresh spring morning & cooking in my mom’s kitchen at Christmas….yep..that good!

Step 1. Get coffee…rinse & repeat until eyes open (it took 3 cappuccinos for me…but now I’m good!)

Step 2. Grits- boil 2 cups water ( or half water, half milk), once boiling, whisk in 1/2 cup grits with dash salt. Cover and turn heat to simmer, once thick, add handful of your fav cheese … Or whatever you have on hand. Woohoo! Done! 

Step 3. Waffles

A. Beat 2 egg whites to soft peaks & reserve

B. Add yolks to 3/4 c water or milk

2 T melted butter or oil

1 t vanilla

1T Apple cider vinegar

1 mashed banana (optional)

C. Mix 1 3/4 c pamelas pancake mix

1/4 c turbinado sugar ( or regular)

2T ginger

1/2 t cinnamon

3 cloves crushed

1/2 cup pecans (optional, but very yummy)

D. Mix wet into dry, fold in egg whites, cook on waffle iron… Makes 6 waffles!


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Banana Nutella Stuffed French Toast….now that says weekend

I’m on call this weekend… Which while I love my job, I don’t love call. So I make an effort to maintain “my happy state of mind”… Breakfast with my kids… Maybe a little coffee break between hospitals…the day may take longer, but I feel more human…. And I think that makes me better- better mom, better doctor, better partner, better friend. Of course, when the emergency room calls 5 mins after I’ve finally gotten home, the happy all goes away in one beep of the pager (it’s Pavlovian) and I’m back to my small rituals to reinstill the “happy”.

Nothing says happy like French toast on a Saturday morning with a cappuccino and the kids… And even better? Stuff it with nutella and banana…. Oh yes!!!!

You need (the first 2 are obvious)

Nutella & a sliced banana 

Milk 1 cup

Eggs 2


Cinnamon 1 t

Nutmeg dash

Olive oil 1T

Bread- 8-10 slices (makes 4-5) I use Udi’s gluten free sandwich bread

add as much cinnamon and vanilla as you like!


nutella and banana! yum.. try also dulce de leche or peanut butter!

 Mix the milk, eggs, oil, vanilla, cinnamon & nutmeg

Spread Nutella on bread, place banana slices and cover with second piece of bread. Dip in egg/milk mix, flip and then place non stick pan on medium heat.  

dip bread – sandwich style- and then flip


cook until golden brown … dont you love that smell….

 Cook 3-5 mins per side. Cut and garnish with remaining banana.

Enjoy! It’s Saturday and you are beautiful!❤️ 


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Ooey Gooey Sticky Loaf with Grand Marnier Syrup…. Gluten Free, of course.

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at gluten free cinnamon rolls, but I’m really into UNCOMPLICATED, and I love science… However, some of the recipes with 5-7 different flour mixes, while they look amazing and I REALLY appreciate the online baking assistance, are just too much for me. While I definitely haven’t given up on my goal for the perfect, EASY, gluten free cinnamon rolls, given the state of my recently sprained (and very swollen) right ankle (Listen closely… DON’T Text and drive & DON’T Text and walk), I decided to keep it simple! So today, let’s try Ooey Gooey Super Sticky Incredibly Delicious Cinnamon Loaf with ….. Wait for it... Grand Marnier caramel topping …. I know…. I already have my fork and cappuccino ready. 

CAUTION… This is NOT a low calorie or low fat recipe… I always lose weight when I travel, and Nashville was no exception… Oh yes! Today I’m going to have a super sweet treat! 

Here we go!


3c Pamela’s pancake/baking mix

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 cup sugar

2 tsp yeast

Mix wet ingredients together and then add at once to dry

1 cup milk

4T butter- microwave these 2 mins

Add 2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

1T Apple cider vinegar

Beat on med-high 2-3 mins 

In small bowl or processor, mix

1/2 cup nuts (I used walnuts)

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 T melted butter

2 T cinnamon

Dash grated orange peel 

sugary, sweet , cinnamon filling… omit the nuts, if you prefer


Fold this mix in to the dough- minimally! Pour into well greased loaf pan. Turn oven to 350, allow bread to rise 20 mins and then cook for 1 hour. Cool several minutes and then evert on plate.


In saucepan, melt 3T butter, 1/3 cup brown sugar, splash of milk or cream

Mix until smooth and then add

1/4 cup nuts

2T Grand Marnier

Dash grated orange peel 

here comes delicious….


add the Grand Marnier ……oooh la la

Take a deep breath…..YUM… That is the smell of happy!

Pour over the top of Everted loaf  

Enjoy!!!!! ❤️ make it a great day.

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Superheroes need a good Breakfast…try peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes GF

Happy monday! Whatever you’ve got planned today, get out there and do it right! My youngest has standardized testing and the others school, and me.. Work and hopefully an awesome swim!  Let’s start the day out with a yummy protein packed breakfast to add a little superhero to you (not that you need it.. You’re awesome and don’t forget it)

Superhero pancakes (serves 4-5 superheroes)

1 cup Pamelas gluten free pancake mix

2T turbinado sugar

Mix together and add to dry:

2 large eggs

1/4 c peanut butter

2T oil

1/2 c milk (water is ok too)

Whisk together, sprinkle in some chocolate chips, if desired, and cook!


Happy Monday!❤️

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Distracted Driving

545 am…not exactly my favorite time, and today my 6 year old is awake… Reason unknown…and would like breakfast and her hair done.  This definitely will add a wrinkle into my morning dash, but who can be upset by eyes like those? 

I have a busy day ahead and need to get some calories in before it truly starts. First things first… This girl needs coffee and thankfully the latest studies show so many health benefits that I’m going to make it a double! Second, Rudi’s gluten free cinnamon toast… With a little butter… Okay… Don’t be a hater! I like butter on my toast. If you don’t, I would suggest orange marmalade, but honestly it’s perfect by itself.

I pack up, hop in the car and eat this buttery deliciousness while I drive. Now that’s some Distracted Driving. Make it a great day!

maybe a little too much butter…

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