Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Tag: bread

Gluten Free Popovers…. Recipe from Mity Nice Chicago with a few modifications

I was deleting photos from my iPhone ….perpetually low on memory…when I came across a photo of a recipe from Mity Nice in Chicago.  This restaurant serves up delicious food, has a gluten free menu and the bread served at the table? GLUTEN FREE!!! And unbelievable! essentially a modification on Pão de Queijo.. But unique and significantly easier to make!

First up! Turn the oven on to 350 degrees! 

Get out your blender (it’s Ninja Time!!!)

Dump in:

2 eggs

1/2 c oil

1 c milk

2 cups tapioca flour

1 tsp salt

Blend like crazy! 

blender equals one bowl equal EASY!!


Add 1 C sharp cheddar (or whatever you like!)


Grease non stick mini muffin pans and pour in to fill completely. 

pour it out and pour it on! this is gonna be good!


Bake 30 mins


the oven light is on… i cant stop watching!


these are SO perfect, I’m speechless!


these are sooooo nice! super nice! incredibly nice!

That is nice… And Mean People ARE Ugly! Thanks Mity Nice! 

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Pão de Queijo… Always gluten free & always amazing

Pão de Queijo is one of my most favorite foods. I first discovered it after my boyfriend came back from South America with tales of a gluten free cheese bread….soft, warm & cheesy on the inside and perfectly crisp on the outside. He brought a box of the mix for me to try…and I was hooked! This Brazilian cheese bread is so simple to make, no mix is required, only water, milk, oil, eggs, salt and tapioca flour ..that now I can get at both Publix & Whole Foods without a problem.   I tried multiple recipes, but my favorite is from I’ve posted it before, but it’s been several years, so here is my best recollection. Enjoy it…and maybe make half the recipe….I ate 6 and want to lie down and go to sleep….probably too many…

All you need is in the photo below, plus Parmesan cheese & your oven set to 350… I was cooking bread for my kids at 425 and burnt mine (as you will see on my photos… they were still so good!)

all you need, plus parmesan cheese

Boil 1c milk, 1/2 cup oil and dash salt

step 1- boil the milk, oil and salt

Once boiling, mix in 2 c tapioca flour

step 2- mix in the flour… at this point I always wonder if this will be edible

Scrape into mixer and beat 2 minutos, then add 2 eggs and 1c Parmesan cheese, one at a time, mixing well until smooth & sticky 

step3- beat on medium adding remaing ingredients…until extremely sticky…reminds me of making piñatas

Get your hands wet, and have a bowl of water to dip into as needed, and shape dough into little balls of sticky deliciousness. Place on non stick surface.

step 4- with WET hands, roll into little balls

Bake 350- 20 minutes…they will be lighter than these.

bake 350 degrees, 20 mins….these are too dark & too delicious 🙂

serve them up!

Have a great night and keep cooking!❤️

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Pasta Night! Baked Ziti Gluten Free And Cheesy Bread

I’m back at the hospital dealing with some emergencies, but luckily, I made it home to prepare and eat a great dinner and now I’m sure happy I did! 

Tonight I’m making fast and easy Baked Ziti- but sans ricotta because for some reason my kids don’t like ricotta… But they do like bread, so I’m making a loaf of gluten free bread too!! Yum!

First- start the bread! It can rise while you assemble the pasta and then you can cook together!

Gluten free Easy Cheesy Bread

Mix in mixer 1c warm water

1 pkg yeast

2 T sugar

2T olive oil

1tsp apple cider vinegar

1 egg


Add 1 tsp salt

3 1/4 -3 1/2 gluten free flour mix (I used Pamelas)

1/2 c Parmesan 

Mix well until it looks like the consistency shown below. 

looking good!

Turn out onto greased sheet and shape with oiled hands into a loaf and cover with more Parmesan cheese and Saran Wrap. Let rise for 15 mins and then cook for 30-35 mins at 350.

oil your hands before working with gluten free dough…

Serve with seasoned olive oil. My able to eat gluten children devoured this bread! 

yummy gluten free cheesy bread!

Baked Ziti

Boil 1 box gluten free penne pasta (I used Ronzoni’s) for 8 mins, drain and mix with sauce


1 onion

1 T chopped garlic

1 cup shredded carrots (that’s right! Sneak those veggies in!!)

1/2 c chopped sweet peppers

1T italien seasonings

1T chipotle pepper sauce

Cook in 1 T olive oil until tender

Mix In 1 jar prepared pasta sauce if you are in a hurry (and tonight that’s what I did) or if you are having a relaxing evening, add a box of Pom chopped tomatoes, I T sugar, 1 t salt, maybe a splash of red wine… One for you …one for the sauce …


the sweet peppers really make this sauce a winner


Mix the sauce with the pasta

Place half of the sauced pasta (hopefully only the pasta is sauced at this point) in a casserole dish cover with mozzarella cheese, repeat second layer and then sprinkle Parmesan on the top. 

i wonder if there are leftovers…

350 for 30 mins!

Super delicious! Super nutritious! And good energy to get whatever job you need to get done, done RIGHT! 

Have a great day!❤️

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