From the response of my last blog, it seems that a little inspiration is needed… Maybe more out of the kitchen than in…I don’t know if I’m one to inspire, but I am often inspired by others…. Actions little or big, unintentional or not, nice or mean… I think ALOT while I cook. I think ALOT when I exercise. I’m not one to review or perseverate about the day once I put my head down. Literally, 2 deep breaths and that’s it – “in with the good…… Out with the bad x 2 and I’m unconscious.  

Everyone deals with stress differently, some are good strategies… Others utterly destructive. So much of our stress if from that “could have…” So today, while making Honey Chipotle Drenched Tacos on the Grill I want you to think about being Brave. Brave, not foolish.  Confident, not aggressive. Do you have the solution at work? Do you know the answer at school? Did you just figure out how to find world peace or feed the hungry? Or were you just wrongly accused or think that color looks great on your friend? Speak up! Lift that beautiful head of yours (or your pen if you’re that kinda person) and put it out there! Lack of confidence can become lack of opportunity, lack of action, lack of getting from point A to the point you want to B. Sometimes you don’t have to be confident – you just need to be Brave. Take a deep breath and go get em tiger. Now… Let’s get cooking!

I decided to grill tonight. Grilling in Miami is like a sauna, hot tub and steam facial all in one… And since at 44 I still have skin difficulties, I’m in.

I’m grilling meat tonight as the going away dinner for our wonderful Au Pair, who will be truly missed as have been the 2 before her. This program, through cultural care Au pair, is such a wonderful thing!

Anyway! Back to the grill!

Pick a nice fish, like Mahi or grouper or snapper. Also I chose thinly cut organic beef 

you cant put too much!


1/4 c honey

1/3 c chipotle sauce

1 green onion sliced

Pepper to taste

1/2 onion

1/2 t red pepper

Drench the meats with this sauce, cover until ready

Other things you need

Guacamole (see prior post)

Slaw if you like (I love!!) simple cabbage, cilantro and dressing 

Corn tortillas

Rice and beans

All these you can find, if desired, in prior posts 

Put the beef on the grill first and after turning, add the fish- cook the fish only 3-4 mins per side or until flaky


my sauna

 Serve with additional chipotle


dinner party time!



 Enjoy! Be brave! Be confident! Be You!❤️

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