Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

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Superheroes need a good Breakfast…try peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes GF

Happy monday! Whatever you’ve got planned today, get out there and do it right! My youngest has standardized testing and the others school, and me.. Work and hopefully an awesome swim!  Let’s start the day out with a yummy protein packed breakfast to add a little superhero to you (not that you need it.. You’re awesome and don’t forget it)

Superhero pancakes (serves 4-5 superheroes)

1 cup Pamelas gluten free pancake mix

2T turbinado sugar

Mix together and add to dry:

2 large eggs

1/4 c peanut butter

2T oil

1/2 c milk (water is ok too)

Whisk together, sprinkle in some chocolate chips, if desired, and cook!


Happy Monday!❤️

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Fish Tacos on the Grill with Slaw

A dinner party…it’s great when I can make something gluten free. It’s so hard to cook a meal without being able to “taste test”…. Always wondering if the seasoning is right & making any child that wanders through the kitchen an “official taster”. So tonight, I decided to make a 100% gluten free meal…the menu: (ta dah!)

White Wine Sangria ( this just screams summer vacation..,even if it’s still snowing where you are)

Chips, Salsa & Guacamole

 Fish Tacos on the Grill with Slaw (tonight’s recipe!)

Rice & Beans

Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream & Raspberries 

Yeah… WAS as good as it sounds and the fish tacos turned out awesome! using gluten free flour and bread crumbs!

Here’s the recipe: (serves 5)


11/2 lb fish (I used grouper), cut into chunks1-2″

2 eggs, whisked with a splash on milk and dash of salt

1 1/2 c gluten free bread crumbs, mixed with 1T old Bay seasoning, dash salt, pepper and 1T olive oil, mixed well

1c Pamela’s gluten free flour 

Place a sheet of tin foil on a cookie sheet and brush well with olive oil

Place fish pieces in Tupperware with 2 paper towels, shake well, dispose of towel (in airtight trash….stinky!) Shake on 1 c flour, close lid & shake it … Turn on the music because there is more shaking in a minute. 

Dip floured pieces of fish in egg wash, the bread crumb mix and then place on tin foil. Slide tin foil onto grill and cook 3 mins per side. Remove with tongs and place in serving dish. 

shake, dip and roll baby

on the grill!


1/2 head green and red cabbage, sliced very thinly

Place in large Tupperware. Add 1T red onion

In bowl mix 1/2 c milk, 1/4 c mayonnaise, 1/2 jalapeño, 2T sugar, salt & pepper, 1 t lemon juice and 1T vinegar, 2t red pepper flakes. Whisk well, then pour over cabbage and shake it like crazy! Keep going! Refrigerate and then shake in 1/4 c cilantro when you’re ready to serve it! 

Warm tortillas, fill tortillas with fish & slaw and top with a little fresh lime juice! 

Stay tuned! The cake recipe tomorrow! 

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It’s Chili in Miami! And you’re going to love this GF vegetarian dish!

It’s Good Friday… No school & I took the day off from work! A day of play dates, cleaning, pool time, dog washing….then I look at the clock and its 6:25! Aaaaahhhhhhh! It’s almost too late to order in! Fast & filling, I decide to make a vegetarian chili!

Let’s get this party started! 

In large saucepan add

2T olive oil, heat med- high

1/2 red onion

1 small onion

1/2 c chopped carrots

2T chopped garlic, sweat it out…. In Miami that seems like all we do…

its getting hot in here….

Add 4 small chopped sweet red peppers or 1 red bell pepper

3T Italian seasoning

Salt, pepper

3t cumin

6T chili powder

2t red pepper flakes

2 cans kidney beans, rinsed & drained

1 can corn, drained

2 boxes of Pom chopped tomatoes

3 squares dark chocolate (yep..THAT is the secret ingredient… Well chocolate & love…. ❤️)

Shhhhh….the secret ingredient….

Turn to simmer & let cook 20-30 mins.

Serve with Udi’s gluten free baguettes, cheddar cheese and, if you like ( of course you do!!! Fritos & sour cream)

did i tell you i lived in texas? well pour this over fritos & add a little sour cream….

My kids & their friends just gobbled that down… Great veggies, healthy dinner! Do it right! Make it a wonderful night! ✌️❤️

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Pizzapalooza Part II -TexMex -healthy, veggie deliciousness!

Pizza … Yum…. Mexican…super yum. You get it, right? Well this is a delicious, nutritious veggie rich & vegetarian pizza. And guess what? It’s EASY!

Get out your blender/processor. I use a ninja (honestly because I like to say Ninja!). 

In the blender add: 

1 can black beans , mostly drained

1/2 red onion

1/2 cup carrots

3 sweet peppers

1/2 c cilantro

1 t cumin

Dash salt

1T chili powder


veggie delight!

Pre bake gluten free crust ( see Pizzapalooza part1) or roll out regular crust. Cover crust with bean paste, then top with cheddar cheese, garnish with sweet red peppers, jalapeño peppers and red onion slices

Bake at 400 20 mins

add bean paste to crust, cover with cheese and YUM

Enjoy! Have a wonderful Day! ❤️

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Pizzapalooza – gluten free, gluteny…your choice. Spinach, Tex-mex & Cheese!

Tomorrow there is no school for the kids, and tonight, our au pair’s family is visiting from Germany!  I needed a fast dinner menu to serve 8 that could be prepped in advance (or in part in advance) on a evening complicated by a doctors appointment, swim team practice and piano lessons. Pizza is great because you can make the dough in advance and the toppings….well they can be as fancy or as simplistic as you want. Gluten free is hard to make big, so I typically will make one gluten free (first!! To avoid cross contamination) and the others with regular dough

So first- the dough! 

Gluten Free Pizza Crust

Mix: 1/2 c warm water

         1 T yeast

         1 T sugar- wait until begins to bubble

Add 1 egg white

         1T oil

         1 T Apple cider vinegar

Add slowly 3 cups gluten free flour mix (I use Pamelas) & dash salt

Mix well, then turn out dough ball onto greased surface or non stick silicone pad and press out with greased wax paper. Allow to rise at least 20 mins (can put in fridge & use next day too)

Bake at 400 20 mins, add toppings and then bake again

           Regular dough

            Mix 1 c warm water with 1 pkg yeast and 2T sugar, let bubble and then add 2T oil & dash salt

            Mix in 3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour until smooth dough ball, place in greased bowl, cover & let rise

gluten free dough ball

press out with your hands

The dough is done! Need some ideas for your topping? 

Spinach (aka my favorite!!!)  Pizza Pie : 

Mix: Chopped spinach – 2 boxes thawed, drained and squeeze out extra water

1/2 c Parmesan

1 egg

1 c mozzarella

1 8oz  ricotta cheese

3 t red pepper flakes

For gluten free, prebake crust as above; for regular, just roll out lower crust onto pan. For either, Cover with Swiss cheese slices, then spinach mix, top with more shredded cheese. For Gluten free, place tomato slices on top and bake 25 mins 400.  For regular, roll top crust and place on top, crimp edges, cut small slices in top crust and bake at 400 45 mins.

Serve with tomato sauce in the side.

cover crust with swiss cheese, then spinach mixture, then….. MORE cheese!

for regular, cover with top crust

spinach pizza pie!

gluten free pizza palooza! yum yum yum!!!!

More pizza recipes tomorrow! ❤️

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YOU CAN DO IT! GF Chocolate Chip Pumpkin pancakes may just help!

Mornings… The chaos, the missing homework, knots in the hair, left shoe has run away… I KNOW! Pack the lunches, tame the children and their hair…take 10 mins and feed them and yourself right!

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Pancakes (gluten free)

This is a great cake like recipe- light, yummy and nutritious… And easy! This actually took me 10 mins start to on table and I packed the lunches while they cooked… And I only burned one set!!!

Serves 4-5 hungry people…

Mix these dry ingredients :

1 1/2 c Pamela’s pancake mix

2T sugar

1t cinnamon

Dask pumpkin pie spice

Then mix the wet ingredients together before adding to dry

1/2c water

2 eggs

1t vanilla

2T oil

1/3 c pumpkin pack (oh yes… Sneak in those vitamins!!! And it’s sooo good!)

    Mix! Cook . Add chocolate chips to your desired level immediately after putting batter in frying pan – that makes sure everyone gets equal  chocolate chips ..(harmony, people!!)… And if someone doesn’t want them (I can’t stand chocolate in the morning) – leave them out!

Ok! Serve up delicious nutrition! You Can do it! ❤️

breakfast… start your day right!

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The Big Cheese! Gluten free Mac & Cheese Perfection!

So easy, so fast, so delicious!

This recipe serves 6 with leftovers (unless the natives are famished)

11/2 box gluten free penne pasta (tonight I used Ronzoni)

2c milk

1t mustard

Dash nutmeg

4T butter

1/4 c gluten free flour (I use Pamela’s)

2-3 c shredded cheese ( tonight I used 1c cheddar, 1c italien blend

1/2 c shredded Parmesan

Preheat oven to 400. Cook pasta to al dente per package instructions, rinse and drain…but not too well, and return to big pot.

Melt butter and whisk in nutmeg, mustard, & flour. Add milk and whisk until thickened.

whisk it…whisk it real good!

Once thickened, stir in 1-1 1/2 c cheese. Pour over pasta and stir until all pasta coated.

its ok….taste it…just to make sure its cheesy enough!

Pour it into baking pan & top with remaining cheese & then Parmesan.

go ahead….add more cheese…

Bake at 400 25 mins. Let sit a couple mins while you try to get your kids to set the table…and the resign yourself to setting it…

the big cheese!…lets eat!

That will make a happy table! Share the love! ❤️

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Hello Beautiful! 

in the mood for a quick smoothie for a snack or light lunch/ breakfast? I love beets… I really don’t know why… But that earthy flavor with salad or cheese is just so delicious to me. If you don’t love beets, stop reading!!! 

all you need… plus chia seeds


Hello Beautiful!beautiful color, beautiful taste, beautiful YOU


Today’s smoothie:

1cup frozen berries

1/2 c açaí juice (Sambazon)

1/2 c beet juice (biotta)

1 c chobani vanilla yogurt

3T chia seeds

Yummmmmmmmmm blend that beautiful fuschia and Drink the rainbow… 

Choose happy❤️

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Hey! You wanna piece of ….. My yummy gluten free coffee cakes? You & your family are going to enjoy these!

When I was first diagnosed with celiac, it was late October a few years back, and one of the first things that crossed my mind was my families tradition of Christmas morning Irish Sour Cream Coffee Cake. Well NO PROB here! It took a few tries, but now I make a gluten free version with great texture, taste and consistency… Such that you can serve this to anyone and they will not know its gluten free! Plus, you can change around the toppings depending on who you are cooking for! Another favorite of mine is pumpkin coffee cake. Today I’m making pumpkin loaf modified from the Pamela’s pancake mix recipe . Pumpkin bread is great, because it’s delicious and its a great way to get some extra vitamins and nutrition into your body and those of you kids.

well worn recipe card!

Gluten free Irish Sour Cream Coffee Cake 

Cream 1/2 c butter

              1 cup sugar

Add and mix well 2 eggs 

               1 t vanilla

                2 T Apple cider vinegar

                 1c sour cream

Mix dry ingredients together and then add to wet

                   2 cups Pamela’s pancake mix/ gluten free flour

                   1/2 t salt

                    1t baking powder

Topping: traditionally cinnamon, sugar & nuts…today I added semi sweet chocolate chips too!

Place half the batter in round pan, top with half the topping, repeat with second layer

Bake at 350 for 45 mins.  Enjoy!

place in batter, top with toppings, repeat

yes! looking good!

anybody want a piece of that?

Next up…

Pumpkin Loaf 

Mix 4 T melted butter

        2 eggs

        2 T Apple cider vinegar 

        1/2 c sugar

         1t vanilla extract

          1 can pumpkin purée/pack

Add dry ingredients mixed together 

           1 3/4 c Pamela’s pancake mix/ gluten free flour

            1 t baking powder

             Dash salt

             1 t each cinnamon, ginger and 1/2 t nutmeg

Top with raw sugar and walnut or pecans to taste. Bake at 350 for 50 mins

place all batter in greased pan

your family is going to love it! and youre going to love all the vitamins from pumpkin

put out your Sunday Best

        make it a great day! ❤️

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Shrimp & Grits. Fast, Gluten Free & Just Plain Good

Shrimp & grits… It’s so fast…you can have dinner done in 10-15 minutes. After all of the yard work today, I’m plumb tuckered out and just want a delicious meal that I can eat while I enjoy my new view! 

What you need: 

Shrimp- 6-8 per person

Tomatoes, cherry or other small tomatoes

Olive oil

Seasoning- garlic, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, Italian seasoning


Cheese – I use Parmesan and shredded Italian blend


Mix with olive oil, sea salt, fresh ground pepper & Italian seasoning (fresh rosemary would be great…I just used a standard dry blend), red pepper flakes. Bake for 10 min 350 degrees

ready for the oven! looking good!

Grits- quantity for 3 adults… Multiply as needed

Bring 1c milk and 1 c water to a boil

Whisk in 1t salt & 1/2c grits

Reduce heat and whisk until thickened. 

Add 1/2 c shredded cheese and 1/4 c Parmesan

Serve with Parmesan sprinkled on top

whisk the grits in a little at a time to prevent clumping


heat 2T olive oil with 1t garlic and 2t red pepper flakes

Add shrimp, cook on med high 3 mins per side

dont stir the shrimp…let them get a liitle browned

Serve and Enjoy! Gluten free and sooooooooo easy!

deliciousness !

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