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Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Walnut Kale Pesto Lasagna… Yumilicious! 

are you ready for this?

So this should fuel you and your family! Vegetarian, gluten free if you want… Healthy and delicious with enough healthy calories to power up your family of runners, swimmers or Pokemon goers.

A friend and mom of one of my son’s teammates sent me a recipe for kale pesto.. Oh! The possibilities!  But this… This is easy.. Maybe a little messy.. I try to cook with as few dishes as possible and this requires more than the average, but it’s worth it.

What you need:

Lasagna- regular or gluten free- I get the ready to bake regular and some gluten free penne pasta or elbows for me. I just haven’t had great luck with the gluten free lasagna

Kale- 2 bunches 

Garlic – 3 cloves or to taste

Salt, pepper, nutmeg, red pepper flakes, rosemary 

2 c walnuts

Olive oil

Parmesan cheese

Mozzarella cheese

Ricotta cheese

1 egg

Let’s go!

Take your kale and cut the stems off at the end and discard. Dunk into boiling water with 1 tsp salt and the garlic for 2-3 mins

Put into colander but reserve water

Process nuts, salt, red pepper, Parmesan, rosemary & nutmeg and then add kale, 2 T olive oil and reserved water to desired thickness. Purée until beautiful

go ahead! taste it!

Mix  ricotta with egg and a little more nutmeg (dash) 

Pour some reserved water in bottom of dish

Layer lasagna or gluten free pasta, ricotta, pesto and mozzarella, repeat!

layer it up like a 5 layer cake

make it vegan & layer nuts and vegan cheese!

the gluten free bowl of delicious

Cook at 350 for 45 minutes and then enjoy!!!

thats right! its all yours!


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Oodles of Zoodles & Noodles

Ok.. I have a recent obsession with online recipes and I saw this sadly glutinous recipe that looked devine… I know I act like this rarely happens, like I don’t have gluten envy. Well, it’s fine because I fixed this up and had SUCH a yummy dinner!

This oodlely, noodlely, zoodlely dish  is topped with pesto and was adapted, I think, from Delish.. But as I’m definitely food obsessed, I’m not positive and I couldn’t find the darn recipe when I looked for it! So here is mine:

oodles of zoodles & noodles

Oodle, Zoodles & Noodles!

Pesto sauce

1 handful baby spinach

1 cup basil leaves

1/2 cup pine nuts

1/3 c olive oil

Red pepper flakes, salt to taste

3/4 c Parmesan cheese

Process until smooth- reserve

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

pesto…. yum

pine nuts.. or walnuts .. your choice


12 oz gluten free spaghetti, prepared per package instruction, rinse and drain and place in large bowl



Spiralize zucchini (2 large)

Heat olive oil in pan and add zucchini, salt and pepper to taste

Cook on med high heat 3-5 mins until tender but not floppy 

Zoodles! getting hot in the pan!

Zoodles & Noodles.. peace & harmony

Add to bowl with noodles

Toss with pesto, top with tomatoes.

despite my spoon’s vicious attempts.. the pesto still made it.. at least some!

Dig In! i know you want it!

Damn Girl (or Guy!)! You rock!!

That is too good!


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Cauliflower?  Yep! Delicious Oven Baked Honey Garlic Gluten Free Cauliflower!!!

I don’t like cauliflower.. I never have. It tasted like .. Well I’m not going to say.. But the texture bothered me. I have celiac, so I get a constant “have you tried cauliflower crust?”  “Have you tried mashed cauliflower?” No. I have not.. Because it’s gross and I don’t like it.

make mine a double batch…

Ok.. I can be closed minded… But I saw this recipe on “Delish” (which I love by the way) for Honey Garlic Cauliflower and I decided to de-gluten it and give it a try!!

So easy!! (Well I made it a little easier with the use of a zip lock bag… Have one on hand!)

Ok! Ready? 

Honey Garlic Gluten Free I Can’t Beieve It’s Cauliflower Cauliflower

You need:


3/4 c gluten free flour

Salt and pepper

2 eggs

Gluten free bread crumbs

A ziploc bag

Gluten free soy sauce

Lime juice



Corn starch 

Start with a head of cauliflower and break it into florets that are bite size. Put in zip lock bag

Add flour, pinch of salt and pepper

i know you want to.. shake it Baby!

Now put on some music and shake it like A Swifty.

Initially I “set up a dredging station and dipped each floret into egg wash and then bread crumbs”. Well that is some messy, time consuming nonsense. Dump out excess flour from ziploc. Add well beaten eggs mixed with 1 tsp water to cauliflower in ziploc and continue your jam session.

dredging station…

egg wash.. if you want to go that route

messy madness

Add bread crumbs and repeat

the way to go.. shake &bake !

spread them out and bake them up

Spread those battered babies on the pan and bake 20 mins at 400.

While they bake, you can make the sauce

Mix 1 tsp of cornstarch in just enough water to dissolve it.

In small sauce pan add 1/2 cup gluten free soy sauce

1/2 c honey

2T line juice

2 crushed garlic cloves

Sriracha to taste 

sauce necessities

Once boiling, turn to simmer and add the cornstarch. Simmer until thickened.. About 5 mins

out of the oven and into the sauce

Add baked cauliflower to serving bowl, coat with sauce and toss.

Put back on cooking pan and broil 2 mins

Return to serving bowl and DEVOUR!!! Yum!!


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Quinoa Dinner Salad.. Make meatless Monday memorable❤️

I’m always looking for something fast, easy and delicious! If a recipe meets those 3 criteria, it’s my new favorite food. The challenge is that it has to be delicious to a German au pair, a Mexican husband, a celiac (me), a 7 year old, an 11 year vegetarian and a 15 year old vegetarian…. Yeah… Imagine!

So I saw the recipe in a Kraft magazine while waiting at a doctors office (damn doctors… 😉 ).

So here comes fast, easy and delicious!

Quinoa dinner salad for 6

Cook 2 cups of quinoa in 2 1/2 cups water and 1 T butter

Mix once cooked with

1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese

1/2 cup Italian salad dressing  

Then add:

7 sliced radishes

3 green onions sliced

2 cloves garlic crushed

1/4 cup mint chopped

Snap peas chopped coarsely

Salt and pepper to taste

Mix well!

Top with additional Parmesan 


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Chia Pudding! Very easy, very vegan, and very, very good!

I am always looking for healthy delicious snacks for myself and my kids. Of course, chia seeds are always getting good press.. And can be used in bars, smoothies, cookies.. You name it! But while traveling on our honeymoon, I saw chia pudding at several places and decided to give it a try.

Well actually, there is no need to try.. Just do.. Like Yoda says… and this is so easy you just can’t mess it up. 

I’ve tried a few combinations at this point, and here is my favorite!

Chia Pudding 

3 cups sweetened coconut milk

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 t cinnamon

5-6 dates- process until finely chopped 

1/2 cup chia seeds

go ahead!! chop your dates! its legal!

they dont suspect whats about to happen

shake it up!!

Mix ingredients well, place in fridge and leave for 6-8 hours or overnight.

That’s it!!! That’s all!!! Soooo easy!!

My children are addicted! They are eating one batch of this every day!

Serve alone or with chopped nuts and chocolate chips!

Now you can run like the Tarahumara Indians!



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Meatless Monday Takes on the Tostada! Chipotle Tofu Tostadas!

You may guess… I love cooking shows. And, since I can’t eat gluten, I love Mexican food! I was watching “The Kitchen” this weekend and they had a cinco de Mayo spicefest… Or something like that… But they made some shrimp tostadas that looked incredible!!  I wanted something like that… Equally delish,  but vegetarian.  Check it out!


So here we go!

You need tostadas! You can buy them or fry and drain corn tortillas – that probably tastes better, but I work… And dinner needs to get on the table… So on a work night, I’m gonna go with Mission tostadas!

Mission tostadas ready for action

Avocado slices for topping

Lime wedges for topping

In saucepan with olive oil, fry 2 medium chopped russet potatoes

Salt and pepper to taste

After 5 mins add 1/2 chopped onion and 1 clove garlic sliced

Cook on medium high until potato tender and browned

Add 8 oz firm chopped tofu and brown 

Add 1/2 cup chopped cilantro

fry it up !

add in the tofu.. or whatever protein you choose

In small bowl mix well

1 cup sour cream

1/4 cup chipotle

1/2 of a lime juiced

Salt and granulated garlic to taste 

Mix cream sauce into tofu mix

Spread refried beans on tostadas (I used Old El Paso vegetarian)

Top with chipotle cream tofu mix, avocado, and cilantro 

spread it like… Sing it baby!

top it!

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OMG Look at this Toast! Real breakfast! Real easy and really good (and gluten free)

Love, love, love breakfast. Hate,hate, hate getting up early enough to make a real breakfast. My kids have enjoyed years of Nutella and croissants… Probably I have deprived them of the best colleges, long term success and happiness with this sugar rich breakfast… But hey…. I never said I was perfect. Cereals that they like and quick oatmeals aren’t too much better. I’ve tried freezing waffles or breads made over the weekend, but in this household of 6, I’m lucky if the food makes it to Monday! And then…my kids are each so different! My oldest doesn’t want to take the time and has a breakfast drink each morning. My youngest wants breakfast made to order, and the middle one eats breakfast like she’s never been fed…. You can’t make something and set it down for her… She orders refills like a teenager at Shoney’s. 

kids breakfast! avocado toast with chia pudding

This past week I honeymooned in France (just one more reason to love my now husband!) and while due to celiac, I can’t partake in all the amazing pastries, I really did enjoy and take note of a culture that knows how to have breakfast! Now… People of France… Please STOP smoking!!!

I saw some of the most beautiful foods… cheeses, pastries, macaroons, breads, gluten free breads, yogurts ( la fermiere…yuuuummmmm), and eggs. One of my favorites was avocado toast.

So this morning, I decided to try my hand at seed and nut bread served up as avocado toast! Yum!! Can’t wait! 


sous chef ready for duty!

Seed and Nut Bread

Dry ingredients

Add to bowl

1 1/2 cup gluten free flour – I used Pamelas artisanal flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 t baking soda

2 T turbinado sugar

1 t yeast

Dash salt

1 -2 t pumpkin pie spice

1/2 cup gluten free oatmeal 

1/4 cup each: flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts 

get a little nutty!

Mix it up!

after mixing…

To the dry ingredients, add the wet ingredients all at once

Wet ingredients

1/2 can pumpkin pack

1 t vanilla

2T apple cider vinegar

2 eggs, plus 1 egg white

1/3 cup coconut milk

1/4 cup oil (I used olive.. Because that’s what I had!)

1/4 cup chia seeds mixed in early and allowed to gel for about 10 mins

yummy pumpkin mess!

Mix well and put into greased bread pan. Top with nuts and seeds and a little turbinado sugar to taste!

Bake at 350 • for 40 mins

worth the wait!

Enjoy as is, or for Avocado Toast

Top with smashed avocado

Sprinkle of salt and pepper to taste

Squeeze of fresh lemon

1/4 tsp sesame seeds 

good morning!

Serve with your fav breakfast beverage in your fav breakfast spot!

It’s the most important meal… Join me in trying to do it right! Live, love, be active… Gluten free.


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Mexican Hacienda Wedding

March 26th,2016, we got married in a “backyard wedding” with about 65 guests…just family and friends that we consider family.. And we did it just like we wanted. …With tacos.

If celiac can sometimes be hard, it can make planning things really easy. Fernando and I occasionally spoke about some of the amazing weddings we had attended or heard of… Fireworks, doves released, arriving on boats.. Fernando always said he didn’t understand why you couldn’t just celebrate with friends, family and tacos. And tacos, my friends, are gluten free.

And so it started. Our favorite Mexican restaurant, located in south Miami, the MexZican restaurant and food truck, has a food  truck and/or catering side. (http://www.themexzicangourmet.com) They are amazing! Once we were set on that, the rest just came into play.

At our ages (we are old.), we really focused on how do we want to celebrate us? Colorful, fun, music, lights, family  LOVE … And that was it!

I tried to do it on my own… But arranging table rentals and dishwater etc seemed mission impossible on a working woman’s schedule. I found wedding and event planner extraordinaire Mercy Iglesias of LadyandLiv events, began ordering outdoor lighting from places like IKEA and lights.com, decided on purely paper flowers except one arrangement for the welcome dinner that I would also have at the wedding and my bouquet, which were made by ELENA, and went crazy on the website amols.com. Truly, a fun website… I ordered my girls flowers, all the decorations, sugar skull candies, all the table runners, the mustaches and sombrero for the photo booth… And then.. When the shipping costs were extravagant, I emailed them and they sent me a free shipping coupon!!! Holy money savers!!!

I ordered a whole bunch of tequila and decided to serve tequila shots in keepsake Talavera shot glasses at the door and create a signature margarita..a blood orange margarita made with blood orange juice, simple syrup, herradura tequila and vanilla extract.. Served on the rocks with a chili rim… Darn that’s good!!! Additionally, we ordered mini tequila bottles as party favors and decorated with stickers from Zazzle. 

I found a DJ using the Thumbtack app (I do love thumbtack and have used it sooo many times) and the party was rocked by Rodolpho Pessoa – who not just played great music but incorporated videos as well as a “light monogram” that scrolled “Holly and Fernando” over the Coral Gables Waterway until the wee hours… One word. Amazed!
It’s really amazing how much fun a backyard wedding can be.. Your style. Your budget. Our favorite people, things, drinks, music and food…. Just how we wanted it. A party for us, by us, for our families and  friends.

For photography, I chose a wonderful, artsy, talented photographer who really gets into the essence of the family in her work… Corinne Sheppo O’Connell.. She has taken our family photos before and I was super impressed by the way she was able to capture each child’s personality in the photo session… She starts talking to them about school, their dogs, their friends.. And next thing you know you have Real Images of your real kids. Not the fake family, the real one.. The one that you crave to remember at every age and stage… With that look in their eyes.. Wearing a tutu and cowboy boots… 

Well.. Anyway.. I spent a bit of time on Pinterest, scoping out “how to’s” and ideas that appealed to me. I found the cutest bar area made from a potting table and redesigned that for the “kid’s bar” with aqua de Jamaica and Jarritos (que buenos son!)
I also found so many great ideas for table decor with fairy lights and glass jars from ikea mixed with various shapes and sizes … Some with sand and succulents.. Others with gel beads and flowers… The possibilities just endless and all of them inexpensive! Now dessert…

My BFF just happens to be Misha of Mishas cupcake fame. We all know she’s got stellar talent, but she set up a dessert table to DIE FOR! A 3 tier wedding cake modeled after the Mexican hacienda theme (contained gluten, but Misha’s rocks the most amazing gluten free cakes and cupcakes!), gluten free Meringues, and cakes in the jar to go for each guest!

From welcome “shot” to dancing under the stars, to tacos set up in a  buffet brought in hot from a food truck parked in my driveway, I have never had so much fun at a wedding and I’m so happy that it was mine! It turned out just how we wanted… Tacos (they were sooooo good!), tequila, family & friends. Now that’s a way to celebrate a new beginning. 

Be well, have fun, be happy, live, love, gluten free.❤️

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Molletes- caution! These contain gluten! 

These are one of my fiancé’S favorite foods and so I decided to give them a try!


molletes! easy, yummy, perfect!

 For the gluten free variety, I used Udi’s gluten free French bread so that I could share in this deliciousness! Yum!To have great Molletes, you need great bolillos. So let’s start with that! 

Bolillos! What you need:

2 cups warm water

1 T sugar

1 t salt

2 1/2 t yeast

Mix together and let sit for 3-4 mins

4 cups white flour

Stir in a bit at a time until a beautiful, soft, smooth dough is formed

Allow to rise 45 mins1 1 hour

Punch down and allow to rise 30 mins

Divide into 10 equal balls and shape into mini loaves

Cover and allow to rise 30 mins


rise up!


Brush with egg whites and slice 1/4″ deep 2-3 times 

Cook at 375 for 30 mins

little lovelies!

I know… They are beautiful!!!!

The prep!

You need

A can of refried beans – I use old El Paso vegetarian 

Pico de gallo

3 tomatoes, chopped 

1 onion, chopped finely

1 jalapeño chili chopped

1/4 cup cilantro finely chopped

Dash salt

Juice of a lime

Mix well


 Top each side with beans, then pico de gallo, then queso fresco

Toast 5 mins under broiler!

Serve and Enjoy!!


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I pulled it off! Quinoa Black Bean Burgers!

So, I’ve never successfully made delicious veggie burgers.. But ever since the World Health Organization came out with the health risks of red meat, my previously carnivourous children seem truly concerned about their Health and wellbeing. Seems odd, really. In fact, we went out this weekend and my son ordered cheese quesadillas rather than steak! Said me …. NEVER BEFORE!! The thing is that my kids are pretty athletic, and skinny and I want to make sure that they have meals they ENJOY and that provide enough protein and calories! All veggie all the time makes it hard to pack in the calories! But it can be done! Turns out that my son loves quinoa… I know… A 14 year old who loves quinoa.. I feel like I live in an alternative universe…

So, tonight I decided to try Veggie burgers again… And they turned out YUMMY!!! In fact they polished off the batch and asked for more!

So! Quinoa & Black Bean Burgers


yep… these rock!

 You Need

1 cup quinoa

Steak seasoning

1 can black beans (drained &grinder)

1 onion

Salt & pepper

1/2 cup Gluten free bread crumbs

Sundried tomatoes

Let’s go!

Cook 1 cup quinoa in 1  1/2 cup water with dash salt


onions and tomatos getting hot and sweaty

 In another pan sauté chopped onion, sun dried tomato. Add salt and pepper – some red pepper flakes if desired-and then add 1/2 can black beans, 1 cup water and saute until Water absorbed – after about 10 mins I gave up on water absorption and added half of the quinoa and simmered 5 more mins.


threes a crowd… but i like beans


add the water… but have patience

 Process this hot mess until smooth. Add it to remaining quinoa and other 1/2 can black beans and about 1/2 cup gluten free bread crumbs. 


Hot, delicious, mess

 Scoop onto well oiled cookie sheet and bake at 500 degrees for 10 mins each side.


scoop it onto pan and get ready for some healthy deliciousness

 Serve on bun (gluten free or regular) with cheese and whatever burger toppings you love!



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