Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Month: September 2015

Meatless Monday! Garden Soup, bread & Brie!

This weekend we had a couple get togethers and I was in charge of veggies and dip! (Woohoo! That’s the easiest!) At the end of it, I crammed the remaining celery, carrots and snap peas into a Tupperware container and thought….soup. Yes! …. Okay…So, what I really wanted was bread with Brie… But somehow I needed veggies and the soup completed the meal! 

First stop.. The freezer section.. Udi’s has multi grain and French bread that are gluten free. Tonight I went for the multigrain! yum!

Second stop… Brie…(yummmmm). I’m pretty sure my kids think Brie is butter. 

Third.. Kitchen

Here’s what you need

1 onion – chopped- quickly to avoid the crying

2 T garlic

1 sweet potato chopped

Toss these in big pot with some olive oil and sauté a few minutes on medium high


1 cup shredded or coarsely chopped carrot

Leftover celery- chopped – maybe 1/2 c?

Leftover snap peas- cut into thirds about 1/3 cup

Any other veggies you have

Add to pot,

Add 3 T Italian seasoning

2 t salt

1 red pepper flakes

1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed

Sauté for about 10 mins

Add 4 cups dilute veggie bullion (2 cups bullion, 2 cups water) 

Cover and turn heat to low

15 mins before serving add 6 oz gluten free penne pasta

Serve and enjoy!❤️

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Dinner Salad Anyone?

Im not a big fan of a boring salad..but this salad… Crafted from so many of my favorite things… Is anything but boring! Couple it with a pear cider, crisp white wine, or bubbly and you have yourself a meal! Personally, I have a thing for cheese, so I paired it with a mozzarella and pesto sandwich…

Spinach, Avocado, Quinoa Dinner Salad

1 bowl of baby spinach

1 large avocado, chopped in cubes

6 strawberries, sliced

2 T chia seeds

1/2 cup quinoa, cooked in vegetable buillon

2 T sesame oil

2 T vinegar, I used fig infused balsamic vinegar

Mix the oil and vinegar

Toss the salad with the sauce 




add some berries…

Eat! Enjoy! Be healthy!❤️


dinner in 10 minutes!


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Friday Night Peachy Delight! Gluten free and delicious!

Are we there yet? Yes.. We have officially made it! It’s Friday night and I made it in the door at 645. Dinner will not be on the table by 7, but it’s the weekend and I’m so happy to be home! You? 

So I’m making gluten free Mac and cheese for dinner … Plain Jane… But sooooo yummy! But my real planning is for a gluten free peach pie! I haven’t tried this before… So, I’m a little nervous (spoiler alert … It turned out really yummy… Fresh, not too sweet and perfect with a little vanilla ice cream!)


peach pie and ice cream!

 My week was rough… A newborn baby with a difficult surgical procedure, a teenager with a terrible cancer…Thursday morning, prior to the difficult newborn surgery, I went to 6 am yoga. The teacher said something that really struck me.. “On the other side of fear is freedom”. For some people the fear they face must be so overwhelming… The path to freedom so difficult. For others of us, we are so fortunate that the things we fear may be small, may be truly overlookable …but do we? Or do we blow it up, fret, focus, perseverate…create monsters that don’t really need to exist. Fear is normal. Recognize it, accept it, and move through it. Find the freedom… And try this peach pie!


2 cups King Arthur gluten free flour

1 tsp salt

2 T sugar

1/2 cup butter

Mix dry ingredients, cut in butter and mix until pea sized clumps


butter and flour… always a good thing

 1/2 cup ice water

1 egg

1 T apple cider vinegar 

Mix wet ingredients – add a little at a time just until the crust forms

Press crust into pan 

the crust… just waiting to be covered in peaches

  2 peaches thinly sliced

Place in crust


no filter… just that beautiful

 I package of gluten free maple syrup and brown sugar instant oatmeal

1 T soft butter

1T turbinado

Mix above and sprinkle over peaches


ready for the oven!

 Bake at 350 for 40 mins

Serve with vanilla ice cream and enjoy!


ahhhhh… that is good!

 Have a wonderful weekend!

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