I’m on call this weekend… Which while I love my job, I don’t love call. So I make an effort to maintain “my happy state of mind”… Breakfast with my kids… Maybe a little coffee break between hospitals…the day may take longer, but I feel more human…. And I think that makes me better- better mom, better doctor, better partner, better friend. Of course, when the emergency room calls 5 mins after I’ve finally gotten home, the happy all goes away in one beep of the pager (it’s Pavlovian) and I’m back to my small rituals to reinstill the “happy”.

Nothing says happy like French toast on a Saturday morning with a cappuccino and the kids… And even better? Stuff it with nutella and banana…. Oh yes!!!!

You need (the first 2 are obvious)

Nutella & a sliced banana 

Milk 1 cup

Eggs 2


Cinnamon 1 t

Nutmeg dash

Olive oil 1T

Bread- 8-10 slices (makes 4-5) I use Udi’s gluten free sandwich bread

add as much cinnamon and vanilla as you like!


nutella and banana! yum.. try also dulce de leche or peanut butter!

 Mix the milk, eggs, oil, vanilla, cinnamon & nutmeg

Spread Nutella on bread, place banana slices and cover with second piece of bread. Dip in egg/milk mix, flip and then place non stick pan on medium heat.  

dip bread – sandwich style- and then flip


cook until golden brown … dont you love that smell….

 Cook 3-5 mins per side. Cut and garnish with remaining banana.

Enjoy! It’s Saturday and you are beautiful!❤️ 


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