Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Month: April 2015 Page 1 of 3

Fall in Love with Meatless Monday! Red Chard Enchiladas with Freshly Prepared Salsa Verde….gluten free, vegetarian and omg good…..

A year or so ago, my kids designated Monday as Mexican Monday. I know the rest of the world has it as Meatless Monday…so why not just mix them together? Anyway, I always look forward to cooking Monday dinner, and tonight is no exception! 

First, fresh homemade salsa verde… I’m going to start with that, because honestly if you’re exhausted, just make that, grab a bag of tortilla chips, some retried beans and cheese and you’ve got yourself a meal! It’s good…really good…my son, who was my taste tester tonight, ate at least a cup of it before I had the enchiladas ready to bake! Ready? 

Salsa Verde

you cant find THIS in a store! get your chips ready… the cook needs some nourishment, too!

10-12 tomatillos

6 small sweet peppers

1 jalapeño (seeded if you don’t like it spicy, 2 if you like it HOT!)

Salt 1tsp

Garlic 2 cloves

1/2 onion

1 cup cilantro fresh

Husk tomatillos, wash. Add everything except salt, garlic & cilantro to boiling water and boil 10 minutes. Add to ninja with salt and garlic and blend, add cilantro and blend to pure delicious, salsa verde perfection…..stays in fridge for at least a week…..assuming that you don’t eat it all….good luck with that!


usually, im the one in hot water…but tonight, so far, so good

they look delicious already

ninja, ninja, Ninja!

Next stop, Red Chard Enchiladas

You need: red chard, or rainbow

Onion (red), garlic, salt & pepper

3-4 small sweet peppers

1 jalapeño

3 potatoes, chopped

Cheese, shredded, I used “Mexican blend”

Corn tortillas, I used Mission

Salsa verde, from store or above

Brown potatoes about 10-12 minutes, until cooked with salt and pepper, set 


chop, season, and brown…you DO have music on , right?

Chop up stem of chard and sauté with onion, garlic, salt and pepper. After a couple handfuls of chips (maybe 3-4 mins), add peppers, then chard leaves cut into ribbons. Sauté about 5 mins. Add potatoes, 1 cup of cheese, stir.

red chard stems, ready for chopping

add everything together & mix!

Spoon into warmed tortillas (microwave 1 minute in towel), roll and place in pan. 

roll it up!

Cover with salsa verde & cheese.

pour on salsa & spread to cover

Bake until bubbly 15-20 mins 350 degrees, covered

Get your family to the table! They better kiss the cook tonight! ❤️

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Banana Nutella Stuffed French Toast….now that says weekend

I’m on call this weekend… Which while I love my job, I don’t love call. So I make an effort to maintain “my happy state of mind”… Breakfast with my kids… Maybe a little coffee break between hospitals…the day may take longer, but I feel more human…. And I think that makes me better- better mom, better doctor, better partner, better friend. Of course, when the emergency room calls 5 mins after I’ve finally gotten home, the happy all goes away in one beep of the pager (it’s Pavlovian) and I’m back to my small rituals to reinstill the “happy”.

Nothing says happy like French toast on a Saturday morning with a cappuccino and the kids… And even better? Stuff it with nutella and banana…. Oh yes!!!!

You need (the first 2 are obvious)

Nutella & a sliced banana 

Milk 1 cup

Eggs 2


Cinnamon 1 t

Nutmeg dash

Olive oil 1T

Bread- 8-10 slices (makes 4-5) I use Udi’s gluten free sandwich bread

add as much cinnamon and vanilla as you like!


nutella and banana! yum.. try also dulce de leche or peanut butter!

 Mix the milk, eggs, oil, vanilla, cinnamon & nutmeg

Spread Nutella on bread, place banana slices and cover with second piece of bread. Dip in egg/milk mix, flip and then place non stick pan on medium heat.  

dip bread – sandwich style- and then flip


cook until golden brown … dont you love that smell….

 Cook 3-5 mins per side. Cut and garnish with remaining banana.

Enjoy! It’s Saturday and you are beautiful!❤️ 


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Great Gluten Free Eats in Miami! Deli Lane & Misha’s Cupcake’s Cookies for Dessert! (Yes. That’s Right…GlutenFree)

I usually eat out 1-2 times per week, and of course, have some degree of anxiety over what I may accidentally ingest. I have really found that well written menus with simple fresh ingredients are more reliable than “gluten free”. There are some great, reliable gluten free places in Miami, but I like to find somewhere that my friends don’t make the “gluten free face”….. Yeah… It’s true, right? So I choose places that don’t have complicated sauces or salad dressings, and have delicious fresh foods!

Deli Lane is a Miami favorite… Especially for brunch… Weeknights and weekend evenings, the wait is non existence, the service great, the atmosphere chill and the menu casual, and varied…. As a bonus… They always have a gluten free item of the day (which in fairness, I have never ordered because their salads and omelets are just too good).  

 This time, we grabbed an outdoor table on Saturday evening, and I ordered a Strongbow Cider at the recommendation of our waiter and it was GREAT!  

cold, crisp, light and delicious

 For dinner (brunch is served all day) I ordered the brunch enchilada. Corn tortillas layered with refried beans, eggs, cheese and tomato…. Just great &  with a side of cheese grits! The gluten free special of the day was pancakes with berries…yum. 

brunch enchilada at Deli Lane

 I have been dining here for years. The staff knows what gluten is and can tell you if the dish you would like is safe, the food is consistently good, the happy hour is fab and I have never gotten so much as a stomach ache… Although once I ordered potato skins for dinner and I had to be rolled home…


Now… If you come to Miami, or you live in Miami, you’ve got to try Misha’s  Cupcakes. There are stores throughout Miami and Misha recently began selling gluten free foods. High quality ingredients with high flavor desserts. If you need a sugar fix, this should be it. I don’t eat too many sweets, but tonight I tried her new ginger cookies… Soft, right texture and ginger snap taste inside and out. I ate 3… Yes, I did and don’t judge.. One word, Yum.

Misha’s Cupcake’s Gluten Free Ginger Cookies

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Mexican Meatless Monday! Cheese Flautas! Easy & Gluten Free

I’m kind of tired! I injured my ankle in an act of distracted walking and am a bit humiliated… According to my iPhone I walked 4.5 miles today in this boot, which I accept as my penance for a completely preventable accident. This dinner is so easy that I pull up two stools… One for me and one for “the black boot of shame” and in 15 mins, dinner is done!

First- I make guacamole…. See prior recipe… Delicious, nutritious and oh! So yummy!!! 

honestly… for me, this could be dinner !

Second- pop open bag of the all new “simply tostitos”. This is the first time I’ve seen these- my son picked them out at Publix and my kids loved them. Really great corn flavor! Less salt… Organic corn… Gluten free with clear labeling. Winner! (For chips…)

Third- lets get these flautas going!

You need:

Corn tortillas ( I use mission)

Veggie oil or olive oil

Monterey Jack cheese

Heat oil to medium high. Wrap 10 corn tortillas at a time in a cloth napkin, drip a little water on napkin and heat 1 minute on high in microwave.

Slice Monterrey jack into strips 1/4″ x 1/4″ x length of block (see photo) 

so easy.. 15 mins to your favorite dinner EVER

 Roll each cheese strip into tortilla and press to hold form. If tortillas are crumbling, place back in microwave for 30 seconds. 

rolling…rolling… rolling…


Fry, turning once to achieve golden brown. 

yep… there’s not a lot of fried gluten free food! enjoy this… unless you have high cholesterol… then dont…

Serve with chipotle, guacamole and chips! 

not just another meatless mexican monday…

Meatless Mexican Monday is yours!!!! And … No tummy ache! You got this! 

Repeat after me.. “I’m the bomb!” Now eat and enjoy! ❤️

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Ooey Gooey Sticky Loaf with Grand Marnier Syrup…. Gluten Free, of course.

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at gluten free cinnamon rolls, but I’m really into UNCOMPLICATED, and I love science… However, some of the recipes with 5-7 different flour mixes, while they look amazing and I REALLY appreciate the online baking assistance, are just too much for me. While I definitely haven’t given up on my goal for the perfect, EASY, gluten free cinnamon rolls, given the state of my recently sprained (and very swollen) right ankle (Listen closely… DON’T Text and drive & DON’T Text and walk), I decided to keep it simple! So today, let’s try Ooey Gooey Super Sticky Incredibly Delicious Cinnamon Loaf with ….. Wait for it... Grand Marnier caramel topping …. I know…. I already have my fork and cappuccino ready. 

CAUTION… This is NOT a low calorie or low fat recipe… I always lose weight when I travel, and Nashville was no exception… Oh yes! Today I’m going to have a super sweet treat! 

Here we go!


3c Pamela’s pancake/baking mix

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 cup sugar

2 tsp yeast

Mix wet ingredients together and then add at once to dry

1 cup milk

4T butter- microwave these 2 mins

Add 2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

1T Apple cider vinegar

Beat on med-high 2-3 mins 

In small bowl or processor, mix

1/2 cup nuts (I used walnuts)

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 T melted butter

2 T cinnamon

Dash grated orange peel 

sugary, sweet , cinnamon filling… omit the nuts, if you prefer


Fold this mix in to the dough- minimally! Pour into well greased loaf pan. Turn oven to 350, allow bread to rise 20 mins and then cook for 1 hour. Cool several minutes and then evert on plate.


In saucepan, melt 3T butter, 1/3 cup brown sugar, splash of milk or cream

Mix until smooth and then add

1/4 cup nuts

2T Grand Marnier

Dash grated orange peel 

here comes delicious….


add the Grand Marnier ……oooh la la

Take a deep breath…..YUM… That is the smell of happy!

Pour over the top of Everted loaf  

Enjoy!!!!! ❤️ make it a great day.

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What’s the Deal With Dooley? 

Last night, out at a conference dinner hosted and attended by a group from Emory University in Atlanta, one of the other guests asked me ( I’m Emory BS ’92), “what’s the deal with Dooley”. And the truth was (& is)..I don’t know! Dooley is a lab skeleton, impersonated annually & randomly by very select students … He first appeared in 1899 through letters mailed to the Emory newspaper and now has a week every spring held in this honor. They say he is the “keeper” of the Emory spirit.  But it got me thinking….why does college seem like such a blur ….and as I recalled all the details of what was a busy era for me I realized how much I have to owe to Emory and to the sport of swimming. 


and now…

Emory gave me a big opportunity…almost a free ride with the agreement that I would “work-study” to assist with the cost, scholarships, grants and some small loans, and also a place on the swim team – which I co-captained my senior year… The same year our team Excelled at Division 3 nationals.   Yep… Division 3… I guess that’s how I’ve always thought of it…”holly, did you swim in college?” “Yes…but, division 3″… Well division 3 or not, I got ALOT out of that program, and I hope I gave a lot while there. Here is what I think about swimming… And to some extent, sports in general…

1- You get out what you put in- I went to swim practice, work, class, work, swim practice and then taught swimming lessons before going to bed each night. I studied a little but I made a huge effort…in and out of the pool. And out of the opportunity Emory gave me, I had doors open into the career I desired.

2- Truly, you are entitled to nothing . I saw a bumper sticker last year that read “entitlement is my birthright ” No. Opportunity is our birthright and we should kiss the ground that we are born on as so many others don’t have it. A chance is a blessing. You want it, fight for it, put in the time, sweat, tears and go get it…and if you fail… You learned how not to do it…get up and try again.

3. The pool tells no lies.  Swimming is a beautiful team sport…you work hard, play hard, celebrate and party…all with your team… But in the end… It’s just you on the block…you’ve  either trained your body and mind (it takes both) to succeed ( you don’t have to “win”) or you haven’t . I remember one of our team members, a true leader, always pep talking us with statements like “don’t be worried about the other team’s swimmer…she puts her pants on one leg at a time …just like you ” “what you do once, you can do twice”..  And so on and so forth… And I repeat those words in my head at work, On call, When facing sleep deprivation, crisis or conflict at home, when I get out there to run or swim, interview for a job, give a public speech or tackle a difficult, life threatening, medical  problem in one of my patients. Put on your big-girl (or boy) pants and get it done…because you’re prepared and you know you can.

4. Water is cleansing – simple as that. Jump in and wash away the grime of the day, the stress, the useless anger or guilt. Beat it up, take it out on the pool…it can take it.

5. Swimming teaches leadership – responsibility, punctuality, confidence, time management, team building, and respect.

6. Coaches inspire kids- they open the door, show you what’s possible, ignore your whining (unless it for a real injury), congratulate you and show you respect for your efforts.  They see through you. If they see a spark, they hand you the tinder to light the fire. So to all you coaches out there – a million thanks.  And to my coaches, Terry Schlichenmaier, Peter Smith & Andrew Pulsifer, thank you.  No, I was never a world class swimmer, but as a college athlete, I set the stage for an active life, beautiful family and successful career. 

But I still don’t get what the deal is with Dooley…

Photos from

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Gluten Free Travel Tips! Nashville Here I Come!

I love, love, love to travel… But there have certainly been times when I have made errors and had to worship the porcelain goddess of gluten hatred… And she is vindictive!! All you have to do is select from the menu carefully, and select gluten free restaurants even more carefully! And then.. Have FUN and see the world!! Here are my top tips for a tip-top trip!

Tip1- In the airport, stick with brand name gluten free bars, like KIND or Odwalla, or stick to fruits, nuts and pre packaged smoothies, like Naked juice. For a more filling meal, go to a sit down restaurant and go for something like a salad (Caprese is my on the road go-to), making sure not to get dressing unless verified to be gluten free! Other options are chips and salsa, rice and beans, or a sandwich or burger- sans the bread (just make sure they are not just peeling the bread off)! 

320 calories.. with a bag of nuts, I’m powered up for my morning!

Tip 2- Avoid frozen mixed drinks! If you’re on vacay and you want to have a nice drink (or 2..), go for a yummy glass of wine, a gluten free beer, Apple cider, or a handmade high quality mixed drink on the rocks!

yum… nice evening reprieve!

Tip 3- KISS … Keep it Simple… Seriously!!! Don’t order the entree with 3 creamy dreamy sauces…gluten based thickeners abound! Go for a balsamic or balsalmic vinegrette! Yum!! Even molé is often made with flour and roux is as well. All of these can be prepared gluten free, but if not specified in the menu, steer clear!

edamame… cold… hot… LOVE IT! my snack!

Tip 4- Dare to try new things! Check the ingredients & dig in!!! There are so many beautiful, wonderful foods that are gluten free!!!

Today, at the Gaylord Opryland resort, I ordered a roasted sweet potato sandwich with olive tampenade and arugula… Sans bun… delish!!!!  

THIS was a delicious treat! sweet potatos, olives & arugula with a fig jam! Shut the front door!!! excellent!

Definitely going to try that in the home kitchen!

Book that flight! Don’t have food fear! Just have food RESPECT!

Make it a great night! I’ve got an grand ole opry show to catch

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Pão de Queijo… Always gluten free & always amazing

Pão de Queijo is one of my most favorite foods. I first discovered it after my boyfriend came back from South America with tales of a gluten free cheese bread….soft, warm & cheesy on the inside and perfectly crisp on the outside. He brought a box of the mix for me to try…and I was hooked! This Brazilian cheese bread is so simple to make, no mix is required, only water, milk, oil, eggs, salt and tapioca flour ..that now I can get at both Publix & Whole Foods without a problem.   I tried multiple recipes, but my favorite is from I’ve posted it before, but it’s been several years, so here is my best recollection. Enjoy it…and maybe make half the recipe….I ate 6 and want to lie down and go to sleep….probably too many…

All you need is in the photo below, plus Parmesan cheese & your oven set to 350… I was cooking bread for my kids at 425 and burnt mine (as you will see on my photos… they were still so good!)

all you need, plus parmesan cheese

Boil 1c milk, 1/2 cup oil and dash salt

step 1- boil the milk, oil and salt

Once boiling, mix in 2 c tapioca flour

step 2- mix in the flour… at this point I always wonder if this will be edible

Scrape into mixer and beat 2 minutos, then add 2 eggs and 1c Parmesan cheese, one at a time, mixing well until smooth & sticky 

step3- beat on medium adding remaing ingredients…until extremely sticky…reminds me of making piñatas

Get your hands wet, and have a bowl of water to dip into as needed, and shape dough into little balls of sticky deliciousness. Place on non stick surface.

step 4- with WET hands, roll into little balls

Bake 350- 20 minutes…they will be lighter than these.

bake 350 degrees, 20 mins….these are too dark & too delicious 🙂

serve them up!

Have a great night and keep cooking!❤️

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Date Night! Talavera- Coral Gables

Night out & we are going to one of my favorite restaurants, Talavera !  This restaurant has reliable food & service, a great location & reservations on Open Table. Perfect!  I really enjoy Mexican food because there are so many vegan, vegetarian and gluten free choices.  And for dinner with friends who eat meat….that’s always there as well. On arrival, the place was packed, but still no wait!  The only bad thing about Talavera is that I have never, ever had room for dessert… In fact I usually order appetizers and an entree to share! If you are a big eater, you will definitely love it!

We started with Margaritas (can you say über?). I got the “ambitious” margarita  (yes! I did!) and my date got the “flor de pasion” margarita.

flor de pasion margarita

the ambitious margarita

We ordered the queso fundido poblano as appetizer #1 which comes with handmade flour tortillas that they happily switch for corn. This is so good…just order 2 and skip dinner!

queso fundido

queso fundido on fresh homemade corn tortilla

Next we got the jicama & cucumbers with chili piquin. So fresh and crispy, if it wasn’t so spicy I could eat it all night!

Finally, we order the vegetarian Huarache, or sandal. These have a masa base and then are filled with a variety of toppings.  They have many choices, but the veggie Huarache is full of fresh roasted zucchini, onions, black beans, cheese & a lot of guacamole. Divine!

this huarache, or sandal, is like a size 12…. maybe its for the Miami Heat! super delicioso

Well…I’m full and that was so yummy! No tummy ache = excellent! See you there! ❤️

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 Sunset Paddle- Gables Waterway

Saturday afternoon, and I want to relax & exercise. Paddle boarding really offers a beautiful blend of the two. A great core workout in a cool, breezy, relaxing setting. I frequently see spotted eagle Ray, fish, manatees, beautiful flowers and interesting birds. Tonight I waited until 6 so the intense sun would be below the trees…and fortunately the Mosquitos never seem to venture out onto the water. This is my escape…

Heading out… Beautiful and breezy! You can rent paddle boards at many places in Miami… Rickenbacker causeway, the beach & Matheson Hammock…just to name a few. Stand up paddle boards are sold throughout Miami. There are several great shops in the Grove and a new place in South Miami….not to mention online!

heading under my favorite bridge! i call it Echo bridge because sounds Echo when youre under the bridge

The landscaping & flowers along the water are incredible.

The sun setting over the the Mahi Waterway.

The water is washed in gold, the birds are singing, it is just so pretty

Coral walls and accents mix with the lush landscaping

Gotta get back before dark… These things don’t have lights…

Have a beautiful night❤️

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