Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Day: March 30, 2015

The Big Cheese! Gluten free Mac & Cheese Perfection!

So easy, so fast, so delicious!

This recipe serves 6 with leftovers (unless the natives are famished)

11/2 box gluten free penne pasta (tonight I used Ronzoni)

2c milk

1t mustard

Dash nutmeg

4T butter

1/4 c gluten free flour (I use Pamela’s)

2-3 c shredded cheese ( tonight I used 1c cheddar, 1c italien blend

1/2 c shredded Parmesan

Preheat oven to 400. Cook pasta to al dente per package instructions, rinse and drain…but not too well, and return to big pot.

Melt butter and whisk in nutmeg, mustard, & flour. Add milk and whisk until thickened.

whisk it…whisk it real good!

Once thickened, stir in 1-1 1/2 c cheese. Pour over pasta and stir until all pasta coated.

its ok….taste it…just to make sure its cheesy enough!

Pour it into baking pan & top with remaining cheese & then Parmesan.

go ahead….add more cheese…

Bake at 400 25 mins. Let sit a couple mins while you try to get your kids to set the table…and the resign yourself to setting it…

the big cheese!…lets eat!

That will make a happy table! Share the love! ❤️

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Top 5 sights of my happy Monday run! 

Coral gables isn’t called The City Beautiful for nothing…that’s for sure! I woke up to a crisp, clear, cool (by Miami standards) morning and decided to go for a quick run before heading into work.  Sometimes you just have to open your eyes and really take in the sights, but this morning, I decided to take some pics to share with you! I fall quite often while running….(seriously!) so this was a little dangerous…. But me, my iPhone and my knees all survived!

1.  The first thing I really enjoy are the canals and bridges. I cross over 3 on my usual 5k route, and it always gives me a little inspiration to see the water & wildlife right inside the city! 

the bridges of the gables waterway

each bridge is a different style

overlooking the junction of the mahi waterway with the gables waterway

2.  I am always amazed by the fertility of the ground here. Fruit trees and bromeliads like pineapple abound. Mango, avocado, banana, star fruit (carambola), papaya and coconut fill the yards of the neighborhood homes.

papaya tree

mango madness

3.  Flowers EVERYWHERE – amazing beautiful flowers … Too many to share in one post.  Flowering trees, shrubs and, of course orchids. Here are some pics…all from my run (with lots of breaks) today. 

4. Spanish moss  &  other epiphytes – huge trees  shade the roads & sidewalks and many of these are home to beautiful epiphytes. These tropical air plants get their nutrients from the air, rainwater and organic debris that gets trapped in the roots! So pretty & does not harm to its host tree!!

5. Distracting accents like traffic circles, old coral walls, and sculptures dot the city of  Coral a Gables keeping me entertained while running! It’s no wonder I fall so often…

Get out and enjoy your city! Make your neighbors crazy by running through their yards and taking selfies with their flowers! Have fun!

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Hello Beautiful! 

in the mood for a quick smoothie for a snack or light lunch/ breakfast? I love beets… I really don’t know why… But that earthy flavor with salad or cheese is just so delicious to me. If you don’t love beets, stop reading!!! 

all you need… plus chia seeds


Hello Beautiful!beautiful color, beautiful taste, beautiful YOU


Today’s smoothie:

1cup frozen berries

1/2 c açaí juice (Sambazon)

1/2 c beet juice (biotta)

1 c chobani vanilla yogurt

3T chia seeds

Yummmmmmmmmm blend that beautiful fuschia and Drink the rainbow… 

Choose happy❤️

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