Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

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Thanks Mom! Zucchini Caprese Salad

Moms are great for so many things and my mom certainly was and is a role model to me in so many ways. One thing she can always do is produce an innovative, healthy, delicious meal at what seems to be a blink of an eye (probably because while she’s slaving away in the kitchen, I’m goofing off).  I was chatting with her last week and telling her about my new spiralizer and she sent me a great recipe… Which I promptly lost… But I think I’ve got the basic idea… The end result was delicious and this is truly healthy food at its best!!


zucchini caprese salad! yum!

Zucchini Caprese Salad (feeds 6)

16 oz mozzarella cheese, cut into cubes

2 T garlic, chopped

1 large handful of basil leaves, chopped


1 can Rotel chopped tomatoes with chilies- mild

4 large or 6 medium zucchini, ends removed and spiralizer with small spiralizer

Almonds, salted, roughly chopped

1 c green olives,  chopped

Olive oil

Ok!! Let’s go!

In large bowl, mix

Mozzarella, garlic, basil, 1 T olive oil, pepper and oilves 

basic ingredients ready to go!


my kids thought i was trying to sneak in tofu! mozarella !

Spiralize zucchini and then sauté on medium high heat with olive oil and pepper to taste for 3-5 mins 

my new toy in action!


beautiful spiralized organic zucchini!

Add tomatoes and cheese mix and toss.


get a little nutty!


Plate and top with almonds.


easy, healthy, fast & delicious!


Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability and enjoy the process!

Have a wonderful day!


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Why are we always in a hurry? And… Potato Pizza! Meatless Monday!

  Why are we always in a hurry? Does it seem that you run from one place to another? Perpetually late? This is our fault… We put these expectations on ourselves. There are 24 hours in each day… To use as we see fit.. Squander… Relish… Enjoy… Or FREAK OUT. Your choice. Save time or make time for the things that MATTER to you. No one else decides how you react to the world around you. Some days, I’m happy and cool as a cucumber when my kids are fighting… Others… I scream like a banshee! Why? My choice… But I like the calm me better… I try to keep the banshee in the river where she belongs!

Dinner time & prep can be stressful! Some people prepare the week’s dinner in advance… I’ve never liked doing that… I like to think about dinner during the day and then come up with a meal that I think will suit my family well on that given day… Or prepare them well for the next! Sometimes that means I have to hurry through the prep… But there are some dinners that are easy, fun and DELICIOUS!!

Tonight… Potato Pizza!! My kids love it and I love the easy prep! Plus it’s gluten free, vegetarian and can be varied just like any pizza!

Potato Pizza

Large potatoes- russet organic- 1 per person

Olive oil

Kosher salt

Wash, oil, salt… Like spa day 🙂

Wrap in tin foil and toss in oven for an hour at 375


Potato spa day!

 Go for a run, play the piano, read a book, help kids with the homework or… Take a nap!!!!

Once cooked (if you’re really running late, microwave the potatoes) slice into quarters and the score in the other direction.


Sprinkle with Parmesan, 

Pour on some spaghetti sauce

Cover with 1/4 cup each mozzarella cheese, then a little Parmesan and some fresh basil


 Put plates in the oven (not on… Just still warm from potato baking) or microwave until melted 


Enjoy! Take a deep breath! You’ll get there when you get there!❤️

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Dinner out? Celiac? How do you handle it?

I love to go out to eat! At heart, I’m a foodie with fear and paranoia! About 4 blocks or so from my house are a bunch of restaurants… George’s South Miami is one of them. I like Georges…semi open air… Good drinks… Super Delish French fries (I have a thing about fries… Especially truffle fries…), good friendly service,  and a cool atmosphere.

My youngest has been asking for a night out alone- sans siblings – and we made plans for tonight, so off we go! For awhile, I feared eating out. So many bad experiences… Worshipping of the porcelain goddess … But now .. I have a system. It’s easy to follow… Just these simple steps:

1- ask- “do you have a gluten free menu?” … Gauge reaction…

2- if answered with ANY hesitation or BS like our chef will modify “just for you” go to step 4… Surgeon’s motto “trust no one”! IF (and only IF ) they say “yes! And our chef (or his mother or girl/boyfriend has celiac ” enjoy and proceed to 3.

3- ok!!! How 2015 of them!! Order from the official preprinted gluten free menu at will and enjoy! Preprinted =safe (mostly)

4- ok… They are lying or ignorant or think that because I’m a skinny,tall blond that I’m on a diet. … Hmpffff… Order either salad without dressing (which they are clearly expecting), risotto, or if you eat meat (which bummer for me, I don’t) order meat! Add fries! Yum!

5. Drink, dine and be happy!

6. Ice cream or Creme brûlée for dessert!

7. Ahhhh… Delicious and you didn’t have to cook!!

Ok.. Disclaimer…Fries can be fried with gluten stuff.. Scan the menu.. If there are breaded fried items then don’t order the fries at a non gluten friendly establishment! 

So tonight, we went out, grabbed a table and it just happened (really!!!) to be ladies night with free champagne !!! We had a great dinner!! I had truffle fries and a stracciella mozzarella, tomato and grilled peach salad ( yep… That was GOOD), my daughter had penne pasta and my fiancé fish & chips. Yum. No tummy aches… Never have gone wrong and they have no gluten free menu. Their beet salad is delicious too!

delish! no gluten & plenty of yum factor. thanks georges!

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Can Rice Balls Be Even Better? Yes! They can!

Dinner in minutes… And amazingly yummy? Yep.. You can do it! I put rice in the rice cooker earlier, but I got home at 655pm and dinner was on the table at 720. AND my son told me there was NO better dinner than this. (Yes!)

The secret? Tonight I made them huge, cheesy and with a ball of mozzarella in the middle… The result? Gooey cheesy center, crispy yummy outside… Perfect. 

they are SO good!

I’m trying to stay on track… It’s not easy right? Call over the weekend… Got a cold… My pool turned as green as my neighbors yard (mine is a little brown)… And my body.. Stiff.. So, I took a deep breath on Monday and  reminded myself to make time for things that mean something to me. I went for a swim after dropping off my son at 0550, I caught up on work at work and home, made my kids homemade pizza and then headed to a Heat game (super fun!!!) with my fiancé, and Today? Today, I took my stiff self to 6 am yoga and showed this body some hot yoga love!  Dinner at the table is a given… Gotta make the time… Now let’s make the incredible, oh so edible, rice balls with cheese filling. Happy!

What you need

Olive oil- heat in sauce pan

Gluten free bread crumbs- 2 cups

Salt – 1 tsp

3 eggs- lightly whisked

1/4 cup chopped parsley – fresh or dried

1 cup Parmesan cheese

1 cup mozzarella cheese

12 – 1″ cubes of mozzarella 

2 cups white organic rice – prepared sticky 🙂

Heat oil

Fluff rice 

Add 1 c bread crumbs, seasonings, shredded cheese. And egg and mix well

Take big handfuls and shape into ball, place cube of mozzarella into center, close, roll in remaining bread crumbs

wet your hands a little so you can make the balls more easily

put in a nice square of mozarella


fry in olive oil & the drain well

Fry for 2 mins per side or until beautifully browned

Makes 12 large rice balls- dinner portion 2 per person served with tomato sauce and salad.


so good….so gone!


Do what you love, eat great food, make time for what’s (and who is) important to you.❤️

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Meatless Monday! Garden Soup, bread & Brie!

This weekend we had a couple get togethers and I was in charge of veggies and dip! (Woohoo! That’s the easiest!) At the end of it, I crammed the remaining celery, carrots and snap peas into a Tupperware container and thought….soup. Yes! …. Okay…So, what I really wanted was bread with Brie… But somehow I needed veggies and the soup completed the meal! 

First stop.. The freezer section.. Udi’s has multi grain and French bread that are gluten free. Tonight I went for the multigrain! yum!

Second stop… Brie…(yummmmm). I’m pretty sure my kids think Brie is butter. 

Third.. Kitchen

Here’s what you need

1 onion – chopped- quickly to avoid the crying

2 T garlic

1 sweet potato chopped

Toss these in big pot with some olive oil and sauté a few minutes on medium high


1 cup shredded or coarsely chopped carrot

Leftover celery- chopped – maybe 1/2 c?

Leftover snap peas- cut into thirds about 1/3 cup

Any other veggies you have

Add to pot,

Add 3 T Italian seasoning

2 t salt

1 red pepper flakes

1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed

Sauté for about 10 mins

Add 4 cups dilute veggie bullion (2 cups bullion, 2 cups water) 

Cover and turn heat to low

15 mins before serving add 6 oz gluten free penne pasta

Serve and enjoy!❤️

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Friday Night Peachy Delight! Gluten free and delicious!

Are we there yet? Yes.. We have officially made it! It’s Friday night and I made it in the door at 645. Dinner will not be on the table by 7, but it’s the weekend and I’m so happy to be home! You? 

So I’m making gluten free Mac and cheese for dinner … Plain Jane… But sooooo yummy! But my real planning is for a gluten free peach pie! I haven’t tried this before… So, I’m a little nervous (spoiler alert … It turned out really yummy… Fresh, not too sweet and perfect with a little vanilla ice cream!)


peach pie and ice cream!

 My week was rough… A newborn baby with a difficult surgical procedure, a teenager with a terrible cancer…Thursday morning, prior to the difficult newborn surgery, I went to 6 am yoga. The teacher said something that really struck me.. “On the other side of fear is freedom”. For some people the fear they face must be so overwhelming… The path to freedom so difficult. For others of us, we are so fortunate that the things we fear may be small, may be truly overlookable …but do we? Or do we blow it up, fret, focus, perseverate…create monsters that don’t really need to exist. Fear is normal. Recognize it, accept it, and move through it. Find the freedom… And try this peach pie!


2 cups King Arthur gluten free flour

1 tsp salt

2 T sugar

1/2 cup butter

Mix dry ingredients, cut in butter and mix until pea sized clumps


butter and flour… always a good thing

 1/2 cup ice water

1 egg

1 T apple cider vinegar 

Mix wet ingredients – add a little at a time just until the crust forms

Press crust into pan 

the crust… just waiting to be covered in peaches

  2 peaches thinly sliced

Place in crust


no filter… just that beautiful

 I package of gluten free maple syrup and brown sugar instant oatmeal

1 T soft butter

1T turbinado

Mix above and sprinkle over peaches


ready for the oven!

 Bake at 350 for 40 mins

Serve with vanilla ice cream and enjoy!


ahhhhh… that is good!

 Have a wonderful weekend!

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TGIF…Saturday morning training? I got your back (and tummy) with this Gluten Free Pre- run dinner of Apple Spice Waffles

Friday night! WE made it! The kids through their first week of school, my fiancé got back from overseas business travel at 0400, my parents arrived back this evening from vacation (for their 50th Anniversary!!!), and me too… From a week of work, school supply shopping, driving, guiding, cooking, airport dropping & picking up and all the things that we, as working moms, do. I’m proud to say, I even hurricane “readied” (you’re never really ready) my home…. I know… I technically should have done that a couple of months back…but Hey! It’s done now.

At the end of this whirlwind of a week… Kids stressed, tired and a bit anxious… The crazy hours and loads of homework and after school activities, I really had a moment when I realized how very blessed I am. Friday morning, I got up at 4, went to the airport, picked up my BF, came home, took my son to the metro, went to the pool and had an awesome swim and while walking to my car, I got an email. From a patient… She wasn’t sure if I’d remember her (I did),but she’s now 25 and doing well after a horrible, terrible cancer, and she wanted to say hi, that she will always remember me and thanks. BOOM. Mind blown. That’s it right? That’s all. That is the singular reason why I love my everyday… Life and the resiliency of the human mind, spirit, and body… Truly beautiful. I have the career I always dreamed of, beautiful parents that have stayed together 50 years, 3 healthy children, wonderful friends and a truly fabulous fiancé… Who, by the way, is training for New York Marathon number 8? (I think) … (More on marathons and the stresses of being a marathon cheerleader later… Let me tell you.. That’s gonna be a long blog.)

Anyway, nutrition is important and Runners world, which my fiancé reads and follows… Religiously…suggested some pre-run meals to fuel the run and minimize those GI issues (runners… You know what I mean…ugh). One of their suggestions was pancakes and eggs.

So… Gluten free waffles… High in protein, fiber, but not too much… Serve with an egg (or add extra to the mix) and you’ve got yourself a great Pre-run meal that will beat spaghetti any day!

Gluten Free Apple Spice Waffles

This recipe was for 8 people (18 waffles)

2 apples – cored, chopped, peel on. I used organic daisy girl 

1/3 cup sugar (turbinado)

2 tsp cinnamon

Dash nutmeg

2 T lemon juice

Mix together in small bowl and allow to sit


daisy girl organic apples.


sugar & spice & everything nice


ok… i did eat a bit of this yumminess?

1/2 cup butter, melted

5 eggs, separated

2 t vanilla

2 T apple cider vinegar

1 1/2 c water (can use milk)

4 cups Pamela’s gluten free pancake mix

Dash salt

Whisk egg white until stiff peaks, set aside

Mix wet ingredients together reserving several tablespoons of butter to brush on the waffle iron, mix in Apple mix

Add wet to dry and mix until just thoroughly combined. Fold in egg whites.

Cook in waffle iron.


lets get this party started!


Serve with eggs, fresh fruit, walnuts and maple syrup.


a meal fit for a table of hungry athletes


dinner, breakfast, brunch or lunch… this is just, plain, good


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Not sure where to start… but I’ve rode in this rodeo before And you have to DEFINE what it means to Do It All

yep. It’s true. Lack of confidence is not my game. But this back to school thing… Wow. Nothing gets a Mom like seeing her kids stressed. I even started taking Zantac and am having a Tuesday glass of wine. I think I’ll title that terrific Tuesday to make it seem legit.

Gluten free cooking? Well let me share a true story and pearl of wisdom… The pearl… It’s ok to ask for help… It’s ok… Just use the Dominos App.   Oh… And in case you were wondering… Their gluten free pizza is yummy (I get tomato, spinach and mushroom) and I’ve Never gotten sick. 

The story… So Monday is back to school… I take the day off (because my oldest is 14 and my youngest 8 and I’ve riden this bull in the rodeo before…did you guys know I lived in Texas for 8 years???) The problem is that I have expectations… Easy 545 am drop off to the metro with the 14 year old, easy walk in and drop off 8 & 10 year old Girls, time off from 8-130, pick up 14 year old and take him to swim team tryouts and them swim team practice and Viola! I’m done! 

Well… It’s pitch black at 545. (You and I know that… But 14 year olds don’t). Suddenly, it’s a good idea that I ride the metro to find the school bus.. Ok cool.. I’m in. All ok. I support the decision wholeheartedly .. Back to get girls… Fine.. Except my 8 year old won’t speak once we get to school… Like not even her name… Not Hi to her friends… She’s pale… Hmmmm… Well, yes… Actually I am a doctor… She’s … Wait for it .. Terrified. 

So I get home and I embark on my day’s project… Paint a wall, a bench, plant 6 planters with flowers… (I do have goals… After all… I took the whole day off):)

Then I get the text that the swim team tryout application is incomplete… The papers downloaded (last week) are last year and have to be redone… Wow. Because I spent Saturday finding a notary to do it… Wow. So super dad steps in and gets it done… But the office still won’t take it… Until the next day. Bureaucracy… Alive and well.

So, we go to club swim team practice, drop rice in rice maker for sopes and rice and beans, head to Office Depot, next kid to swim practice … When I realize… Dinner will not be on the table until 9….best case scenario.

Uff… Breathe. Yep. If you can’t get it done, accept it & make a change. Dominos it is. Done. 

Sometimes it’s just gotta be… You can’t be 200 places a one time. You can’t control the traffic, the hideous line at Office Depot… Make choices that work. You can have balance… But some days, you have to define what it means to do it all.

Tuesday …this time 0600 metro… he’s confident on his own…All good. Swim team tryouts attended…Will find results out tomorrow. The usual homework difficulties… Printer broke (hallelujah for Amazon prime NOW.. Printer arrives in 2 hours)…laundry -CHECK…. Homework -DONE… Teacher of stressed out 7 year old -EMAILED…. Dinner… Sopes and rice and beans complete and delicious. Bedtime stories read, homework assistance provided… You can do it all… You just need to define “all” and realize that it is okay to ask for help… (And to cry… And to have terrific Tuesday) YOUVE GOT THIS, and so do I.

845 and ALL children asleep.

Buenas noches…. Good night.

Parenting isn’t easy, but it’s not the nights that knock your socks off, but the beautiful feet that you put the socks on. 


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Back to School Blues?.. How about Back to School BBQ! Bacon wrapped hot dogs & portobello mushrooms on the grill with Mexican Street Corn (elotes)

Wow! It’s the last night of summer! The stress, the excitement… The sewing of school patches… The laundry… The SHOPPING!  OMG… For real? I think I bought out Office Depot…AND… They were out of shopping carts. REALLY! I was using a hand basket! It’s been a week and I think the indentions in my arm are permanent! But tonight, while the kids were heading out to the pool, and I was out to the Grill, my little one… The one with ADHD… The one with less than perfect self esteem…. The one who struggles just a bit more than the others… Says ” I’m a smarty Mom, you know that? I’m a real smarty”  Hallelujah. What a beautiful way to start the school year. It comes from within… And it has to…but we have to be there to fuel the fire….keep the awesome…encourage the SMART, not just the “pretty”.  Let me tell you, I LOVE the smarty comment…LOVE IT!

In celebration of the summer, I have bought BACON. As a doctor, I don’t consider Bacon food, it’s a fat, like butter, but anyway, like butter, it makes people happy, so we are having bacon wrapped hot dogs, for me…. Bacon wrapped portobello mushrooms and Elotes (Mexican Street Corn).

The kids are in the pool, I’m in the kitchen… So basically, everyone is happy! 

Here’s what you need (warning… This isn’t healthy)


Hot dogs ( I used Oscar Meyer select turkey dogs)

Buns ( I used top split pepperidge farm)

Portobello mushrooms

Corn on the cob

Mayo ( I use olive oil mayo)

Queso Fresco – crumbled

Chili powder

Butter corn on the cob, sprinkle with salt, wrap in foil -cook in oven 400 x 30 mins

Heat grill, then turn to low

Wrap hot dogs and mushrooms in bacon and place wooden toothpick to secure

Place everything on grill

Close lid x 7 mins

Turn up heat to medium… Yep… Turn up the heat!!

wine, grill, pool, kids, dogs, cooking, summer, miami = perfect

loaded grill….

Roll corn, dogs, and flip mushrooms

Place buns on top shelf to brown x  mins

Take everything off the grill, remove all toothpicks!

Coat corn with mayo, crumble cheese over corn and sprinkle with chili powder


necessary ingredients for Elotes!

hello! portobello mushroom!

hot dogs in paradise!

Get those kids out of the pool!

After dinner, we had a little more pool time, followed by Klondike bars!!

Yep… Now THAT’S a celebration! 

Oh… And they were all in bed by 830! THAT’S a miracle!

Have a beautiful night!


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Get Your Grills Ready! Grilled veggies, Sriracha Glutenfree Mac & Cheese …. and Burgers for the Carnivores

Its Monday night and after 4 months of an empty propane tank, I finally have a refill (many thanks to my fiancé ….as I would have just let the grill rust vs. go get a new tank) and I’m feeling inspired (And a little obligated). After reading the terrifying instructions on reinstalling a propane tank….let me tell you…I used an entire watering pot of “soapy water” to check those seals and still was a little scared when I ignited the first section. My daughter walked by right then and I yelled “GET BACK!”.  Poor thing just watched Mission Impossible and looked like she was going to duck & roll.

Grilled veggies are the best… And really any combination turns out amazing on the grill. Here is my veggie combo from last night.

Grilled Veggies

1 potato sliced

1 summer squash, sliced

2 sweet potatoes. sliced

5 sweet peppers

1 cup sliced carrots

1 c cherry tomatoes 

1 red onion, chopped roughly

2 sprigs of fresh thyme, sprinkled across

1T olive oil, 1T hot pepper oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper

Mix together and grill in roasting pan 45 mins

don’t they already look good!

i love, love, love this sesame oil

grilled veggies ready for the table


While grilling, I love a glass of wine… Especially after taking my life in my hands with the tank install! I prefer red…but goodness IT IS HOTl so I decided upon red sangria. An easy, refreshing mix, and so delicious! To prepare …pour glass of red wine, add several splashes of margarita mix, ice cubes, frozen berries….yep. time to grill!

now Im ready to grill!

Sriracha Mac & Cheese

Cook gluten free Penne pasta 7-8 mins, drain and rinse, set aside

In pot, melt 1/4 c butter

Stir in 1/4 t mustard

1 tsp Sriracha 

Whisk in 1/4 c gluten free flour

2 c milk, whisk gently til thick

Add 1 c cheddar cheese

Mix into pasta, sprinkle and additional cup of cheese over top, add 1/4 c Parmesan over top, garnish with Sriracha. ( I only did 1/3  of the pan as 2/5 of my house is spice averse)

Bake a 375, 40 mins

I’m pretty sure NOONE wants to hear how to cook burgers from someone who doesn’t eat meat, so I’ll keep it short!.. Basically I just mix in salt, pepper, worchestshire sauce and throw on grill.  I have no idea if they even taste good….but they disappeared quickly!

Anyway, make it an awesome day!


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