Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

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Oodles of Zoodles & Noodles

Ok.. I have a recent obsession with online recipes and I saw this sadly glutinous recipe that looked devine… I know I act like this rarely happens, like I don’t have gluten envy. Well, it’s fine because I fixed this up and had SUCH a yummy dinner!

This oodlely, noodlely, zoodlely dish  is topped with pesto and was adapted, I think, from Delish.. But as I’m definitely food obsessed, I’m not positive and I couldn’t find the darn recipe when I looked for it! So here is mine:

oodles of zoodles & noodles

Oodle, Zoodles & Noodles!

Pesto sauce

1 handful baby spinach

1 cup basil leaves

1/2 cup pine nuts

1/3 c olive oil

Red pepper flakes, salt to taste

3/4 c Parmesan cheese

Process until smooth- reserve

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

pesto…. yum

pine nuts.. or walnuts .. your choice


12 oz gluten free spaghetti, prepared per package instruction, rinse and drain and place in large bowl



Spiralize zucchini (2 large)

Heat olive oil in pan and add zucchini, salt and pepper to taste

Cook on med high heat 3-5 mins until tender but not floppy 

Zoodles! getting hot in the pan!

Zoodles & Noodles.. peace & harmony

Add to bowl with noodles

Toss with pesto, top with tomatoes.

despite my spoon’s vicious attempts.. the pesto still made it.. at least some!

Dig In! i know you want it!

Damn Girl (or Guy!)! You rock!!

That is too good!


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OMG Look at this Toast! Real breakfast! Real easy and really good (and gluten free)

Love, love, love breakfast. Hate,hate, hate getting up early enough to make a real breakfast. My kids have enjoyed years of Nutella and croissants… Probably I have deprived them of the best colleges, long term success and happiness with this sugar rich breakfast… But hey…. I never said I was perfect. Cereals that they like and quick oatmeals aren’t too much better. I’ve tried freezing waffles or breads made over the weekend, but in this household of 6, I’m lucky if the food makes it to Monday! And then…my kids are each so different! My oldest doesn’t want to take the time and has a breakfast drink each morning. My youngest wants breakfast made to order, and the middle one eats breakfast like she’s never been fed…. You can’t make something and set it down for her… She orders refills like a teenager at Shoney’s. 

kids breakfast! avocado toast with chia pudding

This past week I honeymooned in France (just one more reason to love my now husband!) and while due to celiac, I can’t partake in all the amazing pastries, I really did enjoy and take note of a culture that knows how to have breakfast! Now… People of France… Please STOP smoking!!!

I saw some of the most beautiful foods… cheeses, pastries, macaroons, breads, gluten free breads, yogurts ( la fermiere…yuuuummmmm), and eggs. One of my favorites was avocado toast.

So this morning, I decided to try my hand at seed and nut bread served up as avocado toast! Yum!! Can’t wait! 


sous chef ready for duty!

Seed and Nut Bread

Dry ingredients

Add to bowl

1 1/2 cup gluten free flour – I used Pamelas artisanal flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 t baking soda

2 T turbinado sugar

1 t yeast

Dash salt

1 -2 t pumpkin pie spice

1/2 cup gluten free oatmeal 

1/4 cup each: flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts 

get a little nutty!

Mix it up!

after mixing…

To the dry ingredients, add the wet ingredients all at once

Wet ingredients

1/2 can pumpkin pack

1 t vanilla

2T apple cider vinegar

2 eggs, plus 1 egg white

1/3 cup coconut milk

1/4 cup oil (I used olive.. Because that’s what I had!)

1/4 cup chia seeds mixed in early and allowed to gel for about 10 mins

yummy pumpkin mess!

Mix well and put into greased bread pan. Top with nuts and seeds and a little turbinado sugar to taste!

Bake at 350 • for 40 mins

worth the wait!

Enjoy as is, or for Avocado Toast

Top with smashed avocado

Sprinkle of salt and pepper to taste

Squeeze of fresh lemon

1/4 tsp sesame seeds 

good morning!

Serve with your fav breakfast beverage in your fav breakfast spot!

It’s the most important meal… Join me in trying to do it right! Live, love, be active… Gluten free.


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Meatless Monday takes a Tex-mex twist!

The holidays are over… 2016 is here! And my kitchen makeover that I’ve taken on is halfway done! Let me tell you.. Refinishing cabinets is not light duty and the blogging definitely suffered! But while I wait for some cabinets and countertops, let’s get back to cooking it up gluten free!

  So, here’s what you need!
1 cup cooked quinoa- I cooked 1 cup with 1 1/2c water, 1/2 t cardamon, 1/2 tsp salt 

2 sweet potatoes – sliced (with my amazing new spiralizer!!! Love it!!)

1 red onion – chopped coarsely 

5 sweet peppers – sliced 

Salt, pepper, italien seasoning, red pepper

Sauté it up with 1 T olive oil


Uh oh … The cooktop is dying.. Down to 1.5 units with no temperature control:( …hence the remodel!   

Sweet potatoes, red onion and red peppers… They go together like sugar and spice and everything nice! 

1 package corn tortillas – I like Mission

3 cups shredded cheese- Monterey Jack 

1 can refried beans

1 jar of salsa verde


Step 1-Layer tortillas in pan  

Step 2- Spread on refried beans (about 1/3 of can)  

Step 3- Layer on quinoa, veggies and cheese


Step 4-Repeat! 

Step 5- Pour on the salsa & cover liberally with cheese!

Step 6- Cook 350 for 30 mins!

Yippee! Enjoy! This turned out great! Super delicious!

Remember! No one does awesome like you do! Get out, get active, get happy… No one is going to do it for you!



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Thanks Mom! Zucchini Caprese Salad

Moms are great for so many things and my mom certainly was and is a role model to me in so many ways. One thing she can always do is produce an innovative, healthy, delicious meal at what seems to be a blink of an eye (probably because while she’s slaving away in the kitchen, I’m goofing off).  I was chatting with her last week and telling her about my new spiralizer and she sent me a great recipe… Which I promptly lost… But I think I’ve got the basic idea… The end result was delicious and this is truly healthy food at its best!!


zucchini caprese salad! yum!

Zucchini Caprese Salad (feeds 6)

16 oz mozzarella cheese, cut into cubes

2 T garlic, chopped

1 large handful of basil leaves, chopped


1 can Rotel chopped tomatoes with chilies- mild

4 large or 6 medium zucchini, ends removed and spiralizer with small spiralizer

Almonds, salted, roughly chopped

1 c green olives,  chopped

Olive oil

Ok!! Let’s go!

In large bowl, mix

Mozzarella, garlic, basil, 1 T olive oil, pepper and oilves 

basic ingredients ready to go!


my kids thought i was trying to sneak in tofu! mozarella !

Spiralize zucchini and then sauté on medium high heat with olive oil and pepper to taste for 3-5 mins 

my new toy in action!


beautiful spiralized organic zucchini!

Add tomatoes and cheese mix and toss.


get a little nutty!


Plate and top with almonds.


easy, healthy, fast & delicious!


Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability and enjoy the process!

Have a wonderful day!


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Happiness is a Choice …and so is gluten free Pumpkin Bread…

Sunday morning with the kids. They aren’t with me every weekend. As with so many families, they go to their Dad’s some weekends. But the weekends I have them, I really relish… And the ones I don’t… I usually take call! Might as well! My middle child loves waffles and the little one loves any sweet bread and the oldest… Well chocolate…  

all my little pumpkins

 For some reason I just woke up hungry! At 6! Well I lounged around my room for an hour and a half and finally decided to get up and make something delicious. 

I whipped up some yummy pumpkin waffles (see prior posts) but decided with the other half of the pumpkin to make pumpkin bread! My Favorite!! And while it cooks, I’m going to clean my dirty house… Well me and my scooba (by the way- I love this one… I’ve had them all.. But this one rocks!!) 


 Pumpkin bread- gluten free

Mix dry ingredients by hand or in mixer

get ready!

theres going to be Sunday morning deliciosness!

 2 cups all purpose gluten free flour (I used Pamela’s artisan blend)

1 cup brown sugar

2 t baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1 t pumpkin pie spice

1/4 tsp ginger

3 cloves, crushed

Dash salt

Honestly- the measurements are not exact… 

Add mixed wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until just mixed


when you see this… do you think pumpkin eggnog? yum

 Wet ingredients-

1/2 can pumpkin purée

1/3 c milk

1/3 c butter melted

2 eggs, plus 1 egg white

1 T apple cider vinegar

1 t vanilla

Pour into greased rectangular pain

Drizzle with 1 T melted butter

2T raw turbinado sugar

1/4 c walnuts (more if you like)

Bake in preheated oven 350 degrees for 45 mins. 

you should smell my kitchen… it smells like HOME

Happy October!?


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Why are we always in a hurry? And… Potato Pizza! Meatless Monday!

  Why are we always in a hurry? Does it seem that you run from one place to another? Perpetually late? This is our fault… We put these expectations on ourselves. There are 24 hours in each day… To use as we see fit.. Squander… Relish… Enjoy… Or FREAK OUT. Your choice. Save time or make time for the things that MATTER to you. No one else decides how you react to the world around you. Some days, I’m happy and cool as a cucumber when my kids are fighting… Others… I scream like a banshee! Why? My choice… But I like the calm me better… I try to keep the banshee in the river where she belongs!

Dinner time & prep can be stressful! Some people prepare the week’s dinner in advance… I’ve never liked doing that… I like to think about dinner during the day and then come up with a meal that I think will suit my family well on that given day… Or prepare them well for the next! Sometimes that means I have to hurry through the prep… But there are some dinners that are easy, fun and DELICIOUS!!

Tonight… Potato Pizza!! My kids love it and I love the easy prep! Plus it’s gluten free, vegetarian and can be varied just like any pizza!

Potato Pizza

Large potatoes- russet organic- 1 per person

Olive oil

Kosher salt

Wash, oil, salt… Like spa day 🙂

Wrap in tin foil and toss in oven for an hour at 375


Potato spa day!

 Go for a run, play the piano, read a book, help kids with the homework or… Take a nap!!!!

Once cooked (if you’re really running late, microwave the potatoes) slice into quarters and the score in the other direction.


Sprinkle with Parmesan, 

Pour on some spaghetti sauce

Cover with 1/4 cup each mozzarella cheese, then a little Parmesan and some fresh basil


 Put plates in the oven (not on… Just still warm from potato baking) or microwave until melted 


Enjoy! Take a deep breath! You’ll get there when you get there!❤️

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Pumpkin Pie Muffins- gluten free! … And a little bit about October…

October is my favorite month. To me, October means it’s time to change… Maybe like spring time for some (well likely most everyone). Full harvest moons that light the waters of Miami, sending sparkling waves across the black night water. The intense humidity and stifling nights are replaced with breezes with just a hint of coolness. The kids are settled in their school routine.. the anxiety reduced to intermittent episodes – usually regarding some forgotten homework assignment and, of course, there is Halloween, pumpkins and candy EVERYWHERE!   Time change, night comes earlier… Out with the summer and in with the fall… And let’s make it a good one!

I’m in a bit of a funk today, maybe too many loads of laundry… Maybe it’s sensing that change isn’t easy for everyone… Or even desired… Or even desirable! You have to know what’s right for you and make changes that are needed, beneficial.. Healthy. Change isn’t easy. All day (actually all week) I’ve had “when I grow up” from Matilda stuck in my head. Such an incredible song, but really aside from the humor in it, there’s some good advice… “If you always take it on the chin and wear it, nothing will change” and “just because I find myself in this story, it doesnt mean that everything is written for me”

Get out there and write your story. Make it a happy one.  If you need some energy and inspiration, snack on these incredibly delicious vitamin A packed muffins!



2 1/2 cups Pamela’s pancake mix

1/2 cup Cold water

1 egg

2 T sugar

1 tsp salt

1/2 c butter or shortening 

Mix dry ingredients, cut in butter, mix lightly until small pea sized areas of butter remain

Mix in wet ingredients together

Press balls of dough into bottom of greased muffin pan



1 can pumpkin pack

1/2 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 cup evaporated milk

1 t pumpkin pie spice

2 cloves

1/4 t ginger

Whisk well then add to muffin tins to fill.



1/4 cup gluten free oatmeal

1/4 c brown sugar

1/2 c walnuts

Dash pumpkin pie spice

Mix and sprinkle over

Bake at 350 for 20 mins or until toothpick comes out clean

Allow to cool 5 mins and then remove from pan 


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Can Rice Balls Be Even Better? Yes! They can!

Dinner in minutes… And amazingly yummy? Yep.. You can do it! I put rice in the rice cooker earlier, but I got home at 655pm and dinner was on the table at 720. AND my son told me there was NO better dinner than this. (Yes!)

The secret? Tonight I made them huge, cheesy and with a ball of mozzarella in the middle… The result? Gooey cheesy center, crispy yummy outside… Perfect. 

they are SO good!

I’m trying to stay on track… It’s not easy right? Call over the weekend… Got a cold… My pool turned as green as my neighbors yard (mine is a little brown)… And my body.. Stiff.. So, I took a deep breath on Monday and  reminded myself to make time for things that mean something to me. I went for a swim after dropping off my son at 0550, I caught up on work at work and home, made my kids homemade pizza and then headed to a Heat game (super fun!!!) with my fiancé, and Today? Today, I took my stiff self to 6 am yoga and showed this body some hot yoga love!  Dinner at the table is a given… Gotta make the time… Now let’s make the incredible, oh so edible, rice balls with cheese filling. Happy!

What you need

Olive oil- heat in sauce pan

Gluten free bread crumbs- 2 cups

Salt – 1 tsp

3 eggs- lightly whisked

1/4 cup chopped parsley – fresh or dried

1 cup Parmesan cheese

1 cup mozzarella cheese

12 – 1″ cubes of mozzarella 

2 cups white organic rice – prepared sticky 🙂

Heat oil

Fluff rice 

Add 1 c bread crumbs, seasonings, shredded cheese. And egg and mix well

Take big handfuls and shape into ball, place cube of mozzarella into center, close, roll in remaining bread crumbs

wet your hands a little so you can make the balls more easily

put in a nice square of mozarella


fry in olive oil & the drain well

Fry for 2 mins per side or until beautifully browned

Makes 12 large rice balls- dinner portion 2 per person served with tomato sauce and salad.


so good….so gone!


Do what you love, eat great food, make time for what’s (and who is) important to you.❤️

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Meatless Monday! Garden Soup, bread & Brie!

This weekend we had a couple get togethers and I was in charge of veggies and dip! (Woohoo! That’s the easiest!) At the end of it, I crammed the remaining celery, carrots and snap peas into a Tupperware container and thought….soup. Yes! …. Okay…So, what I really wanted was bread with Brie… But somehow I needed veggies and the soup completed the meal! 

First stop.. The freezer section.. Udi’s has multi grain and French bread that are gluten free. Tonight I went for the multigrain! yum!

Second stop… Brie…(yummmmm). I’m pretty sure my kids think Brie is butter. 

Third.. Kitchen

Here’s what you need

1 onion – chopped- quickly to avoid the crying

2 T garlic

1 sweet potato chopped

Toss these in big pot with some olive oil and sauté a few minutes on medium high


1 cup shredded or coarsely chopped carrot

Leftover celery- chopped – maybe 1/2 c?

Leftover snap peas- cut into thirds about 1/3 cup

Any other veggies you have

Add to pot,

Add 3 T Italian seasoning

2 t salt

1 red pepper flakes

1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed

Sauté for about 10 mins

Add 4 cups dilute veggie bullion (2 cups bullion, 2 cups water) 

Cover and turn heat to low

15 mins before serving add 6 oz gluten free penne pasta

Serve and enjoy!❤️

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Friday Night Peachy Delight! Gluten free and delicious!

Are we there yet? Yes.. We have officially made it! It’s Friday night and I made it in the door at 645. Dinner will not be on the table by 7, but it’s the weekend and I’m so happy to be home! You? 

So I’m making gluten free Mac and cheese for dinner … Plain Jane… But sooooo yummy! But my real planning is for a gluten free peach pie! I haven’t tried this before… So, I’m a little nervous (spoiler alert … It turned out really yummy… Fresh, not too sweet and perfect with a little vanilla ice cream!)


peach pie and ice cream!

 My week was rough… A newborn baby with a difficult surgical procedure, a teenager with a terrible cancer…Thursday morning, prior to the difficult newborn surgery, I went to 6 am yoga. The teacher said something that really struck me.. “On the other side of fear is freedom”. For some people the fear they face must be so overwhelming… The path to freedom so difficult. For others of us, we are so fortunate that the things we fear may be small, may be truly overlookable …but do we? Or do we blow it up, fret, focus, perseverate…create monsters that don’t really need to exist. Fear is normal. Recognize it, accept it, and move through it. Find the freedom… And try this peach pie!


2 cups King Arthur gluten free flour

1 tsp salt

2 T sugar

1/2 cup butter

Mix dry ingredients, cut in butter and mix until pea sized clumps


butter and flour… always a good thing

 1/2 cup ice water

1 egg

1 T apple cider vinegar 

Mix wet ingredients – add a little at a time just until the crust forms

Press crust into pan 

the crust… just waiting to be covered in peaches

  2 peaches thinly sliced

Place in crust


no filter… just that beautiful

 I package of gluten free maple syrup and brown sugar instant oatmeal

1 T soft butter

1T turbinado

Mix above and sprinkle over peaches


ready for the oven!

 Bake at 350 for 40 mins

Serve with vanilla ice cream and enjoy!


ahhhhh… that is good!

 Have a wonderful weekend!

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