Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

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Short & Sweet

Pizza night! But I got home late, so I’m making pizza for my glutenavores. Simple and delicious, this is a great meal for those who can eat gluten. Healthy ingredients, fresh and delicious.. Whole wheat crust… For me, it’s fruit & cheese night! Coupled with a glass of red wine, this meal is one of my favorites! 

If you want the recipe for the pizza, let me know!  

great meal in just a few minutes!

 The cheese plate? 

Manchego cheese

Guava paste from El Secreto Mexico City

(Sorry… But there is no substitute)

Apple (daisy girl, organic)



mine! all mine!!

Serve alone, with a salad or as a side to the delicious pizza, if you can eat gluten… Or make a gluten free pizza!

Make it a great night!


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What’s the Deal With Dooley? 

Last night, out at a conference dinner hosted and attended by a group from Emory University in Atlanta, one of the other guests asked me ( I’m Emory BS ’92), “what’s the deal with Dooley”. And the truth was (& is)..I don’t know! Dooley is a lab skeleton, impersonated annually & randomly by very select students … He first appeared in 1899 through letters mailed to the Emory newspaper and now has a week every spring held in this honor. They say he is the “keeper” of the Emory spirit.  But it got me thinking….why does college seem like such a blur ….and as I recalled all the details of what was a busy era for me I realized how much I have to owe to Emory and to the sport of swimming. 


and now…

Emory gave me a big opportunity…almost a free ride with the agreement that I would “work-study” to assist with the cost, scholarships, grants and some small loans, and also a place on the swim team – which I co-captained my senior year… The same year our team Excelled at Division 3 nationals.   Yep… Division 3… I guess that’s how I’ve always thought of it…”holly, did you swim in college?” “Yes…but, division 3″… Well division 3 or not, I got ALOT out of that program, and I hope I gave a lot while there. Here is what I think about swimming… And to some extent, sports in general…

1- You get out what you put in- I went to swim practice, work, class, work, swim practice and then taught swimming lessons before going to bed each night. I studied a little but I made a huge effort…in and out of the pool. And out of the opportunity Emory gave me, I had doors open into the career I desired.

2- Truly, you are entitled to nothing . I saw a bumper sticker last year that read “entitlement is my birthright ” No. Opportunity is our birthright and we should kiss the ground that we are born on as so many others don’t have it. A chance is a blessing. You want it, fight for it, put in the time, sweat, tears and go get it…and if you fail… You learned how not to do it…get up and try again.

3. The pool tells no lies.  Swimming is a beautiful team sport…you work hard, play hard, celebrate and party…all with your team… But in the end… It’s just you on the block…you’ve  either trained your body and mind (it takes both) to succeed ( you don’t have to “win”) or you haven’t . I remember one of our team members, a true leader, always pep talking us with statements like “don’t be worried about the other team’s swimmer…she puts her pants on one leg at a time …just like you ” “what you do once, you can do twice”..  And so on and so forth… And I repeat those words in my head at work, On call, When facing sleep deprivation, crisis or conflict at home, when I get out there to run or swim, interview for a job, give a public speech or tackle a difficult, life threatening, medical  problem in one of my patients. Put on your big-girl (or boy) pants and get it done…because you’re prepared and you know you can.

4. Water is cleansing – simple as that. Jump in and wash away the grime of the day, the stress, the useless anger or guilt. Beat it up, take it out on the pool…it can take it.

5. Swimming teaches leadership – responsibility, punctuality, confidence, time management, team building, and respect.

6. Coaches inspire kids- they open the door, show you what’s possible, ignore your whining (unless it for a real injury), congratulate you and show you respect for your efforts.  They see through you. If they see a spark, they hand you the tinder to light the fire. So to all you coaches out there – a million thanks.  And to my coaches, Terry Schlichenmaier, Peter Smith & Andrew Pulsifer, thank you.  No, I was never a world class swimmer, but as a college athlete, I set the stage for an active life, beautiful family and successful career. 

But I still don’t get what the deal is with Dooley…

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Gluten Free Travel Tips! Nashville Here I Come!

I love, love, love to travel… But there have certainly been times when I have made errors and had to worship the porcelain goddess of gluten hatred… And she is vindictive!! All you have to do is select from the menu carefully, and select gluten free restaurants even more carefully! And then.. Have FUN and see the world!! Here are my top tips for a tip-top trip!

Tip1- In the airport, stick with brand name gluten free bars, like KIND or Odwalla, or stick to fruits, nuts and pre packaged smoothies, like Naked juice. For a more filling meal, go to a sit down restaurant and go for something like a salad (Caprese is my on the road go-to), making sure not to get dressing unless verified to be gluten free! Other options are chips and salsa, rice and beans, or a sandwich or burger- sans the bread (just make sure they are not just peeling the bread off)! 

320 calories.. with a bag of nuts, I’m powered up for my morning!

Tip 2- Avoid frozen mixed drinks! If you’re on vacay and you want to have a nice drink (or 2..), go for a yummy glass of wine, a gluten free beer, Apple cider, or a handmade high quality mixed drink on the rocks!

yum… nice evening reprieve!

Tip 3- KISS … Keep it Simple… Seriously!!! Don’t order the entree with 3 creamy dreamy sauces…gluten based thickeners abound! Go for a balsamic or balsalmic vinegrette! Yum!! Even molé is often made with flour and roux is as well. All of these can be prepared gluten free, but if not specified in the menu, steer clear!

edamame… cold… hot… LOVE IT! my snack!

Tip 4- Dare to try new things! Check the ingredients & dig in!!! There are so many beautiful, wonderful foods that are gluten free!!!

Today, at the Gaylord Opryland resort, I ordered a roasted sweet potato sandwich with olive tampenade and arugula… Sans bun… delish!!!!  

THIS was a delicious treat! sweet potatos, olives & arugula with a fig jam! Shut the front door!!! excellent!

Definitely going to try that in the home kitchen!

Book that flight! Don’t have food fear! Just have food RESPECT!

Make it a great night! I’ve got an grand ole opry show to catch

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 Sunset Paddle- Gables Waterway

Saturday afternoon, and I want to relax & exercise. Paddle boarding really offers a beautiful blend of the two. A great core workout in a cool, breezy, relaxing setting. I frequently see spotted eagle Ray, fish, manatees, beautiful flowers and interesting birds. Tonight I waited until 6 so the intense sun would be below the trees…and fortunately the Mosquitos never seem to venture out onto the water. This is my escape…

Heading out… Beautiful and breezy! You can rent paddle boards at many places in Miami… Rickenbacker causeway, the beach & Matheson Hammock…just to name a few. Stand up paddle boards are sold throughout Miami. There are several great shops in the Grove and a new place in South Miami….not to mention online!

heading under my favorite bridge! i call it Echo bridge because sounds Echo when youre under the bridge

The landscaping & flowers along the water are incredible.

The sun setting over the the Mahi Waterway.

The water is washed in gold, the birds are singing, it is just so pretty

Coral walls and accents mix with the lush landscaping

Gotta get back before dark… These things don’t have lights…

Have a beautiful night❤️

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Springtime Sangria

Light and refreshing Sangría…great for parties or sitting in your oasis chillaxing! Not too sweet and no sticky peach liquor aftertaste! It’s hard to get Sangría right, but you will LOVE this recipe! 

It really can be difficult – this parenting thing… So moms, dads, take a minute and RELAX ( unless you smell smoke….then i’m sorry….maybe later)

Here’s how you make it:

Add fresh and/or frozen mixed berries 1 1/2 c to a pitcher

Cover with 2T agave 

Add 1/2 cup St. Germaine liquor, swirl & mix

Add 1 bottle white wine – I used Pinot Grigio

Add 1 c ginger ale (the more you add, the lighter/less alcoholic… Titrate to taste)

Put ice in individual glasses and pour over (don’t add the ice to the pitcher…it waters own the taste!)

Serve, sip, relax, BREATHE… Happy Easter Sunday❤️

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Happy Saturday! Have Some Gluten Free Waffles in Paradise! 

Paradise really is where you are happy! Waffles with cappuccino on a lazy Saturday make me happy:)

Gluten free waffles

2 eggs, separated, whisk whites to stiff peaks, add eggs to wet ingredients

3/4 cup milk

1 t vanilla

2T melted butter, plus 2 more to brush the waffle iron

1 banana or 1/3 c pumpkin

1T Apple cider vinegar

Add all at once to 

1 3/4 c Pamela’s gluten free pancake mix

1 t cinnamon

Dash salt, nutmeg

Mix together , then fold in egg whites

Cook in waffle iron, serve with nuts and syrup! Delicious! That’s a great start to a beautiful day!❤️

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Top 5 sights of my happy Monday run! 

Coral gables isn’t called The City Beautiful for nothing…that’s for sure! I woke up to a crisp, clear, cool (by Miami standards) morning and decided to go for a quick run before heading into work.  Sometimes you just have to open your eyes and really take in the sights, but this morning, I decided to take some pics to share with you! I fall quite often while running….(seriously!) so this was a little dangerous…. But me, my iPhone and my knees all survived!

1.  The first thing I really enjoy are the canals and bridges. I cross over 3 on my usual 5k route, and it always gives me a little inspiration to see the water & wildlife right inside the city! 

the bridges of the gables waterway

each bridge is a different style

overlooking the junction of the mahi waterway with the gables waterway

2.  I am always amazed by the fertility of the ground here. Fruit trees and bromeliads like pineapple abound. Mango, avocado, banana, star fruit (carambola), papaya and coconut fill the yards of the neighborhood homes.

papaya tree

mango madness

3.  Flowers EVERYWHERE – amazing beautiful flowers … Too many to share in one post.  Flowering trees, shrubs and, of course orchids. Here are some pics…all from my run (with lots of breaks) today. 

4. Spanish moss  &  other epiphytes – huge trees  shade the roads & sidewalks and many of these are home to beautiful epiphytes. These tropical air plants get their nutrients from the air, rainwater and organic debris that gets trapped in the roots! So pretty & does not harm to its host tree!!

5. Distracting accents like traffic circles, old coral walls, and sculptures dot the city of  Coral a Gables keeping me entertained while running! It’s no wonder I fall so often…

Get out and enjoy your city! Make your neighbors crazy by running through their yards and taking selfies with their flowers! Have fun!

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The Top 5 Reasons I a Choose to use an AuPair for Childcare

Its that time of year again… An email from the AuPair agency reminds me to “start my search” for my familiy’s next AuPair. Every year, I reassess the program, and again this year I have decided in favor of an AuPair for my childcare needs. Here are the top 5 reasons that I choose to use an AuPair for childcare:

1. Excellent childcare & flexible- 

      An AuPair will provide 45 hours per week of in home childcare. The do not do housekeeping. The just have fun with your family, help with homework, go to the park, play barbies and games, and participate as a family member for the year they are with you! They can drive, take to and from school and after school activities…everything most parents need in a childcare provider. In home care means flexibility….that means you can go for a run….outside….at 6 am. Awesome! You can meet a friend after putting the kids to bed. Love it! You get stuck at work …it’s covered. Just keep within the work hour regulations and remember your kids want to see you too!

2. Wonderful cultural exchange – 

The wonderful AuPairs that have stayed with my family have all been from Germany. There are AuPairs from everywhere! I choose Germany, because my kids are in a bilingual language magnet program (german, obviously). Our AuPair speaks to the kids in German and helps them with their German homework, and we learn a bit about Germany while she learns about the US. AuPairs must take college classes during their year. They have a great time meeting new people, getting out of the house. It is a great way for a young woman to learn important career skills and become independent!

past and present Au Pairs on vacation with my kids at disney this year

3. Au Pairs are good role models for my children- 

Strong, independent young men & women who take initiative to leave their homeland for a year to gain a cultural experience, language skills and polish their college applications? These young men & women are AWESOME! Just what I want my kids to see!

4. Affordable childcare – 

There are upfront agency recruitment fees and then a weekly stipend and educational stipend that are very reasonable. The upfront charges vary by agency. The weekly stipend is set by the government at $195.76 as this is an official government sponsored exchange program! Both the program and your AuPair have a tax ID, so you can deduct them and your AuPair can pay taxes.

5. Comprehensive package– 

if you use an agency, they provide you with education, program guidelines, recruitment, help with interview, flight to and from US, a program coordinator with monthly meetings for your AuPair and help… even mediation if required. They also provide program materials, including a communication log and if needed, a program to find your AuPair a new home and you a new AuPair if things don’t work out. ( I have not had to do this!) Also, the AuPair is provided with health insurance.

Basically, I love the program and recommend it. I use cultural care AuPair and have been a happy AuPair host mom for the last 4 years!

taken from

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Just a quick word… About hair

I take terrible care of my hair… It’s tucked, still wet, in a ponytail most days with a decorative braid on the side designed to make it look like I care. I wash it twice a day, have it in a surgical cap all day, swim, run, sweat… It’s a wonder I have hair left.  I’ve had a gray streak since I turned 21… The same year I married… Perhaps it was a sign…like Elsa’s sister… Anna. Over the last several years (sub in “decades”) it’s gotten bigger, whiter and of course, with the associated wrinkles..more noticeable.

Nothing really beats a great haircut. Quick dry and ready to go, looking like you spent the afternoon at the salon, and highlights that hide the gray and make you look (and maybe feel) a little younger..  Ahhhhhh….

My secret (past tense) is Evelyn at True Salon! Her team is so good! They make my son look like a teenage pop star (in a good way) and me… Well, the salon is zen-like and the hair styles, cuts and color… are done with care and precision… I feel younger, rested and relaxed…  Thanks Evelyn!

gray? cant find it!

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Wish you could stay…

March may well be my favorite month in Miami. It’s warm, but the sun is not yet scorching, it rains, but there aren’t daily thunderstorms reminiscent of a typhoon or the “perfect storm”. Today, my dogs woke me up at 630 (thank you, Humane society!) 

cocoa… the early riser


and I went out to find…. A green pool….and not a little green. I guess out of town last weekend and on call this weekend was a bad pool care combo. I can’t blame the pool boy/girl… Because that would be me. Ugh… Note that there is no picture because it’s horrible. While I got to work on the pool, there were so many incredible beautiful things that just make me wish March could stay:

1. Sunrise over tranquil water

gorgeous morning

2. Macaw parrots- released by hurricane Andrew, Coral Gables has a healthy community of these guys! They scream like crazy, but Hey! I’m already awake.

3. Orchids… Everywhere. And the bloom like they were taken from the best gardens in the world, yet I do nothing to them all year. 


4. More Birds- Woodpeckers… Sometimes heron, or even on occasion a bald eagle, and a today, beautiful pair of cardinals

I’m off to work. Have a beautiful day!

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