Fun, Fresh Ideas to Manage Work, Home, and a Gluten Free Diet!

Author: GlutenFreeHolly Page 6 of 14

Gluten Free Mom of 3 Kids, 2 dogs, 2 birds, Pediatric Surgeon, Family Chef and Home Improver! Swimmer, Runner & Paddle Boarder

Meatless Monday! Garden Soup, bread & Brie!

This weekend we had a couple get togethers and I was in charge of veggies and dip! (Woohoo! That’s the easiest!) At the end of it, I crammed the remaining celery, carrots and snap peas into a Tupperware container and thought….soup. Yes! …. Okay…So, what I really wanted was bread with Brie… But somehow I needed veggies and the soup completed the meal! 

First stop.. The freezer section.. Udi’s has multi grain and French bread that are gluten free. Tonight I went for the multigrain! yum!

Second stop… Brie…(yummmmm). I’m pretty sure my kids think Brie is butter. 

Third.. Kitchen

Here’s what you need

1 onion – chopped- quickly to avoid the crying

2 T garlic

1 sweet potato chopped

Toss these in big pot with some olive oil and sauté a few minutes on medium high


1 cup shredded or coarsely chopped carrot

Leftover celery- chopped – maybe 1/2 c?

Leftover snap peas- cut into thirds about 1/3 cup

Any other veggies you have

Add to pot,

Add 3 T Italian seasoning

2 t salt

1 red pepper flakes

1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed

Sauté for about 10 mins

Add 4 cups dilute veggie bullion (2 cups bullion, 2 cups water) 

Cover and turn heat to low

15 mins before serving add 6 oz gluten free penne pasta

Serve and enjoy!❤️

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Dinner Salad Anyone?

Im not a big fan of a boring salad..but this salad… Crafted from so many of my favorite things… Is anything but boring! Couple it with a pear cider, crisp white wine, or bubbly and you have yourself a meal! Personally, I have a thing for cheese, so I paired it with a mozzarella and pesto sandwich…

Spinach, Avocado, Quinoa Dinner Salad

1 bowl of baby spinach

1 large avocado, chopped in cubes

6 strawberries, sliced

2 T chia seeds

1/2 cup quinoa, cooked in vegetable buillon

2 T sesame oil

2 T vinegar, I used fig infused balsamic vinegar

Mix the oil and vinegar

Toss the salad with the sauce 




add some berries…

Eat! Enjoy! Be healthy!❤️


dinner in 10 minutes!


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Friday Night Peachy Delight! Gluten free and delicious!

Are we there yet? Yes.. We have officially made it! It’s Friday night and I made it in the door at 645. Dinner will not be on the table by 7, but it’s the weekend and I’m so happy to be home! You? 

So I’m making gluten free Mac and cheese for dinner … Plain Jane… But sooooo yummy! But my real planning is for a gluten free peach pie! I haven’t tried this before… So, I’m a little nervous (spoiler alert … It turned out really yummy… Fresh, not too sweet and perfect with a little vanilla ice cream!)


peach pie and ice cream!

 My week was rough… A newborn baby with a difficult surgical procedure, a teenager with a terrible cancer…Thursday morning, prior to the difficult newborn surgery, I went to 6 am yoga. The teacher said something that really struck me.. “On the other side of fear is freedom”. For some people the fear they face must be so overwhelming… The path to freedom so difficult. For others of us, we are so fortunate that the things we fear may be small, may be truly overlookable …but do we? Or do we blow it up, fret, focus, perseverate…create monsters that don’t really need to exist. Fear is normal. Recognize it, accept it, and move through it. Find the freedom… And try this peach pie!


2 cups King Arthur gluten free flour

1 tsp salt

2 T sugar

1/2 cup butter

Mix dry ingredients, cut in butter and mix until pea sized clumps


butter and flour… always a good thing

 1/2 cup ice water

1 egg

1 T apple cider vinegar 

Mix wet ingredients – add a little at a time just until the crust forms

Press crust into pan 

the crust… just waiting to be covered in peaches

  2 peaches thinly sliced

Place in crust


no filter… just that beautiful

 I package of gluten free maple syrup and brown sugar instant oatmeal

1 T soft butter

1T turbinado

Mix above and sprinkle over peaches


ready for the oven!

 Bake at 350 for 40 mins

Serve with vanilla ice cream and enjoy!


ahhhhh… that is good!

 Have a wonderful weekend!

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TGIF…Saturday morning training? I got your back (and tummy) with this Gluten Free Pre- run dinner of Apple Spice Waffles

Friday night! WE made it! The kids through their first week of school, my fiancé got back from overseas business travel at 0400, my parents arrived back this evening from vacation (for their 50th Anniversary!!!), and me too… From a week of work, school supply shopping, driving, guiding, cooking, airport dropping & picking up and all the things that we, as working moms, do. I’m proud to say, I even hurricane “readied” (you’re never really ready) my home…. I know… I technically should have done that a couple of months back…but Hey! It’s done now.

At the end of this whirlwind of a week… Kids stressed, tired and a bit anxious… The crazy hours and loads of homework and after school activities, I really had a moment when I realized how very blessed I am. Friday morning, I got up at 4, went to the airport, picked up my BF, came home, took my son to the metro, went to the pool and had an awesome swim and while walking to my car, I got an email. From a patient… She wasn’t sure if I’d remember her (I did),but she’s now 25 and doing well after a horrible, terrible cancer, and she wanted to say hi, that she will always remember me and thanks. BOOM. Mind blown. That’s it right? That’s all. That is the singular reason why I love my everyday… Life and the resiliency of the human mind, spirit, and body… Truly beautiful. I have the career I always dreamed of, beautiful parents that have stayed together 50 years, 3 healthy children, wonderful friends and a truly fabulous fiancé… Who, by the way, is training for New York Marathon number 8? (I think) … (More on marathons and the stresses of being a marathon cheerleader later… Let me tell you.. That’s gonna be a long blog.)

Anyway, nutrition is important and Runners world, which my fiancé reads and follows… Religiously…suggested some pre-run meals to fuel the run and minimize those GI issues (runners… You know what I mean…ugh). One of their suggestions was pancakes and eggs.

So… Gluten free waffles… High in protein, fiber, but not too much… Serve with an egg (or add extra to the mix) and you’ve got yourself a great Pre-run meal that will beat spaghetti any day!

Gluten Free Apple Spice Waffles

This recipe was for 8 people (18 waffles)

2 apples – cored, chopped, peel on. I used organic daisy girl 

1/3 cup sugar (turbinado)

2 tsp cinnamon

Dash nutmeg

2 T lemon juice

Mix together in small bowl and allow to sit


daisy girl organic apples.


sugar & spice & everything nice


ok… i did eat a bit of this yumminess?

1/2 cup butter, melted

5 eggs, separated

2 t vanilla

2 T apple cider vinegar

1 1/2 c water (can use milk)

4 cups Pamela’s gluten free pancake mix

Dash salt

Whisk egg white until stiff peaks, set aside

Mix wet ingredients together reserving several tablespoons of butter to brush on the waffle iron, mix in Apple mix

Add wet to dry and mix until just thoroughly combined. Fold in egg whites.

Cook in waffle iron.


lets get this party started!


Serve with eggs, fresh fruit, walnuts and maple syrup.


a meal fit for a table of hungry athletes


dinner, breakfast, brunch or lunch… this is just, plain, good


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What makes a surgeon 

I just found out that Dr Red Duke died. I know that no one lives forever, I know that he was a man. But somehow, he just seemed superhuman.. Immortal. I remember when I met him. It was during interviews for surgical residency. The chairman from UF had talked to him,so he personally greeted me. “Well Hello Suga! Ted told me to look for you!” And he followed that with a big sip of black coffee from a small hospital styrofoam cup then a puff of his handlebar mustache to clear the excess. 

Hook.. Line… Sinker

I thought the attire around the institution was because it was ” Go Texas” day, but it turned out that cowboy boots were normal OR attire and Red actually did have an apartment in the hospital. He made residents and interns look like pansies. He taught us what devotion meant. He taught us what it meant to care. Ethics. Integrity. Perseverance. Tenacity. Equality. Dr Duke was a good southern man, but he treated me more like a surgeon than any of my 5 male counterparts .. despite ( or with the benefit of ) being called “honey” “suga” or “good Lookin”… You see Dr Duke very rarely would call you by name… But you could certainly hear him calling the residents by their nicknames from miles away.. “Hey sh**head” was common. 

I remember the day that we had so many traumas at once that he said ” Holly, you take care of these and I’ll start on the others”. I understood what that meant and means. I’ve had so many wonderful mentors…. And that’s what makes a surgeon.


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Not sure where to start… but I’ve rode in this rodeo before And you have to DEFINE what it means to Do It All

yep. It’s true. Lack of confidence is not my game. But this back to school thing… Wow. Nothing gets a Mom like seeing her kids stressed. I even started taking Zantac and am having a Tuesday glass of wine. I think I’ll title that terrific Tuesday to make it seem legit.

Gluten free cooking? Well let me share a true story and pearl of wisdom… The pearl… It’s ok to ask for help… It’s ok… Just use the Dominos App.   Oh… And in case you were wondering… Their gluten free pizza is yummy (I get tomato, spinach and mushroom) and I’ve Never gotten sick. 

The story… So Monday is back to school… I take the day off (because my oldest is 14 and my youngest 8 and I’ve riden this bull in the rodeo before…did you guys know I lived in Texas for 8 years???) The problem is that I have expectations… Easy 545 am drop off to the metro with the 14 year old, easy walk in and drop off 8 & 10 year old Girls, time off from 8-130, pick up 14 year old and take him to swim team tryouts and them swim team practice and Viola! I’m done! 

Well… It’s pitch black at 545. (You and I know that… But 14 year olds don’t). Suddenly, it’s a good idea that I ride the metro to find the school bus.. Ok cool.. I’m in. All ok. I support the decision wholeheartedly .. Back to get girls… Fine.. Except my 8 year old won’t speak once we get to school… Like not even her name… Not Hi to her friends… She’s pale… Hmmmm… Well, yes… Actually I am a doctor… She’s … Wait for it .. Terrified. 

So I get home and I embark on my day’s project… Paint a wall, a bench, plant 6 planters with flowers… (I do have goals… After all… I took the whole day off):)

Then I get the text that the swim team tryout application is incomplete… The papers downloaded (last week) are last year and have to be redone… Wow. Because I spent Saturday finding a notary to do it… Wow. So super dad steps in and gets it done… But the office still won’t take it… Until the next day. Bureaucracy… Alive and well.

So, we go to club swim team practice, drop rice in rice maker for sopes and rice and beans, head to Office Depot, next kid to swim practice … When I realize… Dinner will not be on the table until 9….best case scenario.

Uff… Breathe. Yep. If you can’t get it done, accept it & make a change. Dominos it is. Done. 

Sometimes it’s just gotta be… You can’t be 200 places a one time. You can’t control the traffic, the hideous line at Office Depot… Make choices that work. You can have balance… But some days, you have to define what it means to do it all.

Tuesday …this time 0600 metro… he’s confident on his own…All good. Swim team tryouts attended…Will find results out tomorrow. The usual homework difficulties… Printer broke (hallelujah for Amazon prime NOW.. Printer arrives in 2 hours)…laundry -CHECK…. Homework -DONE… Teacher of stressed out 7 year old -EMAILED…. Dinner… Sopes and rice and beans complete and delicious. Bedtime stories read, homework assistance provided… You can do it all… You just need to define “all” and realize that it is okay to ask for help… (And to cry… And to have terrific Tuesday) YOUVE GOT THIS, and so do I.

845 and ALL children asleep.

Buenas noches…. Good night.

Parenting isn’t easy, but it’s not the nights that knock your socks off, but the beautiful feet that you put the socks on. 


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Back to School Blues?.. How about Back to School BBQ! Bacon wrapped hot dogs & portobello mushrooms on the grill with Mexican Street Corn (elotes)

Wow! It’s the last night of summer! The stress, the excitement… The sewing of school patches… The laundry… The SHOPPING!  OMG… For real? I think I bought out Office Depot…AND… They were out of shopping carts. REALLY! I was using a hand basket! It’s been a week and I think the indentions in my arm are permanent! But tonight, while the kids were heading out to the pool, and I was out to the Grill, my little one… The one with ADHD… The one with less than perfect self esteem…. The one who struggles just a bit more than the others… Says ” I’m a smarty Mom, you know that? I’m a real smarty”  Hallelujah. What a beautiful way to start the school year. It comes from within… And it has to…but we have to be there to fuel the fire….keep the awesome…encourage the SMART, not just the “pretty”.  Let me tell you, I LOVE the smarty comment…LOVE IT!

In celebration of the summer, I have bought BACON. As a doctor, I don’t consider Bacon food, it’s a fat, like butter, but anyway, like butter, it makes people happy, so we are having bacon wrapped hot dogs, for me…. Bacon wrapped portobello mushrooms and Elotes (Mexican Street Corn).

The kids are in the pool, I’m in the kitchen… So basically, everyone is happy! 

Here’s what you need (warning… This isn’t healthy)


Hot dogs ( I used Oscar Meyer select turkey dogs)

Buns ( I used top split pepperidge farm)

Portobello mushrooms

Corn on the cob

Mayo ( I use olive oil mayo)

Queso Fresco – crumbled

Chili powder

Butter corn on the cob, sprinkle with salt, wrap in foil -cook in oven 400 x 30 mins

Heat grill, then turn to low

Wrap hot dogs and mushrooms in bacon and place wooden toothpick to secure

Place everything on grill

Close lid x 7 mins

Turn up heat to medium… Yep… Turn up the heat!!

wine, grill, pool, kids, dogs, cooking, summer, miami = perfect

loaded grill….

Roll corn, dogs, and flip mushrooms

Place buns on top shelf to brown x  mins

Take everything off the grill, remove all toothpicks!

Coat corn with mayo, crumble cheese over corn and sprinkle with chili powder


necessary ingredients for Elotes!

hello! portobello mushroom!

hot dogs in paradise!

Get those kids out of the pool!

After dinner, we had a little more pool time, followed by Klondike bars!!

Yep… Now THAT’S a celebration! 

Oh… And they were all in bed by 830! THAT’S a miracle!

Have a beautiful night!


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Be Brave, Try new things… Especially these yummy tacos- Honey chipotle Drenched Fish and Beef Tacos

From the response of my last blog, it seems that a little inspiration is needed… Maybe more out of the kitchen than in…I don’t know if I’m one to inspire, but I am often inspired by others…. Actions little or big, unintentional or not, nice or mean… I think ALOT while I cook. I think ALOT when I exercise. I’m not one to review or perseverate about the day once I put my head down. Literally, 2 deep breaths and that’s it – “in with the good…… Out with the bad x 2 and I’m unconscious.  

Everyone deals with stress differently, some are good strategies… Others utterly destructive. So much of our stress if from that “could have…” So today, while making Honey Chipotle Drenched Tacos on the Grill I want you to think about being Brave. Brave, not foolish.  Confident, not aggressive. Do you have the solution at work? Do you know the answer at school? Did you just figure out how to find world peace or feed the hungry? Or were you just wrongly accused or think that color looks great on your friend? Speak up! Lift that beautiful head of yours (or your pen if you’re that kinda person) and put it out there! Lack of confidence can become lack of opportunity, lack of action, lack of getting from point A to the point you want to B. Sometimes you don’t have to be confident – you just need to be Brave. Take a deep breath and go get em tiger. Now… Let’s get cooking!

I decided to grill tonight. Grilling in Miami is like a sauna, hot tub and steam facial all in one… And since at 44 I still have skin difficulties, I’m in.

I’m grilling meat tonight as the going away dinner for our wonderful Au Pair, who will be truly missed as have been the 2 before her. This program, through cultural care Au pair, is such a wonderful thing!

Anyway! Back to the grill!

Pick a nice fish, like Mahi or grouper or snapper. Also I chose thinly cut organic beef 

you cant put too much!


1/4 c honey

1/3 c chipotle sauce

1 green onion sliced

Pepper to taste

1/2 onion

1/2 t red pepper

Drench the meats with this sauce, cover until ready

Other things you need

Guacamole (see prior post)

Slaw if you like (I love!!) simple cabbage, cilantro and dressing 

Corn tortillas

Rice and beans

All these you can find, if desired, in prior posts 

Put the beef on the grill first and after turning, add the fish- cook the fish only 3-4 mins per side or until flaky


my sauna

 Serve with additional chipotle


dinner party time!



 Enjoy! Be brave! Be confident! Be You!❤️

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Food for thought… Are you Awesome?

I am in hot yoga. There is so much water pouring off my red hot face on to my towel on the floor while I’m sitting here in utkatasana (chair pose) that I’m drawing a happy face with the never ending stream. Round 2, round 3… Yeah my legs are burning, but what you can do once you can do twice, and I’m occupied with my sweat art. Then, something interesting happens, the teacher says, don’t believe the voices in your head, you CAN do this.. And I hear the noises of frustration, of defeat, even 1 “can’t”. And then I wonder “EXACTLY WHEN DID YOU GIVE AWAY YOUR BELIEF THAT YOU ARE AWESOME?” WHEN?? I want to scream it. I’m raising 2 daughters and 1 son and I see the constant chipping away at the belief of self awesomeness. I’ve experienced and watched the process of self restoration. I see Friends, colleagues, family members… Even myself. I talk to college and medical students. We take less pay, crash into glass ceilings created by ourselves, or created by others but accepted by us, we enter into bad relationships, accept abusive spouses (physical or mental), develop eating disorders, and put ourselves through cosmetic procedures to meet the expectations of WHO? 
When did you lose the feeling that you could do anything? That you were the Best? That you were awesome? When did you decide you weren’t good enough, you weren’t pretty enough, smart enough, you didn’t have what he or she had, you couldn’t do it? When did “can’t” enter your vocabulary?  Why do students tell me they can’t be surgeons? Engineers? When did you decide that it was okay that you made less than Johnny at work, or didn’t get that promotion? Why did you justify it?  You always had to leave at 6 or 7 and weren’t as dedicated because you have kids to care for? You come in early, work through lunch and work steadily through the day, while Johnny comes in late, takes a rediculously long lunch and plays video games at his desk all day? Why do you criticize your projects and tell your boss you can do better? When did you give away your awesome? 
Get it back! It’s yours and it’s in there. It might just need some dusting off, or you might need to dig deep, but go and get it and then hold on tight and let it shine! 

You are awesome!

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Gluten Free Smorkies! (Smore chocolate chip cookies)

I saw a recipe on Twitter last week by Alea Milham (my kids say “thank you”) and I just had to try it gluten free. Quick and easy, homemade or from premise cookies this is just a snap!

I made a big dinner tonight, so I used pillsbury gluten free chocolate chip cookie mix… But any chocolate chip cookie dough will work!



Chocolate chip cookie dough

Chocolate syrup

That’s it… Really!! Ready?!?!

Scoop chocolate chip cookie dough into muffin pan (grease well, including the top in case of marshmallow puff over) 

add a little cookie to each cup

 Bake 12 mins at 350

Add 1 marshmallow to each and bake 5 more mins 

press in a marshmallow! (this is such a good idea!!)

 Allow to cool 5 mins, take out and top with chocolate syrup. 

yummy!!! wish i had a campfire


ok. this is seriously sweet deliciousness



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